Chapter Sixty Seven (Uhh...They are having...)

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Michael's POV

"Are you sure you dont want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked Gabby worriedly.

She shook her head and wiped her mouth with a towel. She came out of the bathroom after constantly throwing up. Its been two weeks that she looks so sick. She even got an on and off fever and she vomits every morning.

I guided her to our bed and lets her sit. I slightly rubbed her back as she rest her head on my chest.

"This is shit." she mumbled chuckling.

"You're so pale babe, are you sure you're alright?" I asked her and she nodded.

"This maybe because of my Gastroentiritis." she said smiling.

"Is it bad? I told you we need to go to the hospital." I insisted but she just kissed me.

"I've got my meds babe, no worries." she answered me.

I just nodded, "What do you wanna eat? Ill tell Mom Britany to cook you something." I said.

"Cook anything you want just avoid too much acid on it." she said and I walked down to the kitchen.

"Is she not okay yet?" Mom asked and I shrugged.

"Still vomiting. Can you cook something for her Mom?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Why dont you take her to the hospital to get some check-up?" she suggested.

"She doesnt want to, she said she'll be fine." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Stubborn like you." she mumbled and I stiffled a laugh.

She cooked some chicken soup and she prepared a low fat milk. I put it in a tray and said thanks to Mom before going upstairs.

I saw Gabby rummaging on her bag. I placed the tray on the table and asked her.

"Searching for something babe?" I asked her wondering.

"Oh! Uhh... My meds, I dont know where I left it." she reasoned out.

"I think it's in the drawer babe." I said pointing the drawer beside the bed.

She smiles and went to it, she grabbed the medicine box after she saw it there inside.

"Here, you eat first then go to the bathroom to take a bath and you'll rest all day." I saif to her, pulling her a chair to sit.

"Thanks babe." she mumbled after she sat on the chair.

I pulled the spoon and scoop it on the soup then mustered it to her mouth. She eats happily then drank her milk. I gave her some water for her meds.

"I'll just take this downstairs babe. You go and take a bath now." I told her and she nodded.

I gathered the things she used and went back to the kitchen.


Gabby's POV

"I'll just take this downstairs babe. You go and take a bath now." Michael told me and i nodded.

I waited for him to close the door before pulling out the thing I've told Calum to buy. I went to the bathroom and started stripping, I looked at myself and im so pallid.

I dialled my phone and silently talked to Calum.

"Im nervous." I mumbled to him after he picked up his phone.

"Just do it now Gabby." he said impatiently.

I chuckled nervously and tear up the packaging of the kit. I pulled it out and holding it with shaking hand.

I proceeded and started counting, I flipped it back and went to take a bath.

Im nervously cleaning up my body and immediately finished up. I wrapped my body with towel and nervously went to the kit on the sink.

"Calum I swear im nervous with this." I whispered on the phone after I called Calum.

"Do you want me to come in there?" he asked me.

"No shit. Just... Where's Michael?" I asked him.

"Well he's with Brynne downstairs. I saw them there, I think Brynne asked him to help her with the strings of her guitar." he said and I breathed in relief.

"Im gonna flip this now Calum." I told him and he just hummed.

"On three..." I said then he counted with me.

"Three...Two...One..." we breathed out.

Then I flipped the kit but my eyes we're shut.

"What does it says?" Calum asked on the other line.

"I dont know..." I mumbled.


"I dont know, I dont want to look at it. Im coming to your room. Ill give you this to look on it." I told him grabbing the kit without looking on it.

I immediately got changed and went to Calum's room. He's sitting on his bed tapping on his phone.

"Calum..." I blurted out then threw it to him.

He catched it and look at me, "Are you ready?" he asked and I nodded hesitantly.

He flipped it and I held my breathe. He's staring it to it for so long.

"Calum what does it says?" I asked him nervously.

He didnt say anything yet and I almost cried out. "Calum..." I blunted nearly crying.

"Gabby..." he said and it sents me goosebumps.

"Its..." he started and I shut my eyes.



Okay fine
Writer's block again T____T


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