Chapter 177 - With a landslide approaching

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Midoriya let out small sigh as he glanced at the aisles of the supermarket, trying to figure out just what kind of snacks Kaminari wanted; the blonde haired boy had given them a list of snacks to buy, after going around to ask the class what they wanted, but Midoriya was having a really hard time with Kaminari's atrocious handwriting.

He just wanted to go home and finish his homework, and spend Saturday morning studying so that he could make time for Kaminari and Ashido's "Game Night".

"Give me that." Shinsou let out a small laugh, taking the list from Midoriya's hands, "Urg... seriously, I hope Kaminari doesn't hand in his homework with this kind of handwriting. Okay, first up, chips."

"We still have a whole list of vegetables and meat products that Sato wants us to get. Do you think you two can grab all the unhealthy food?" Yaoyorozu asked, as Uraraka picked up two neatly wrapped packages of bacon, and was comparing them against each other.

"Sure." Shinsou nodded, "Zuku, do you have a pen?"

The greenette nodded, fishing a ballpoint pen out of his pocket, and Shinsou turned back to Yaoyorozu, "Alright, we'll just grab a basket, and find you when we're done. Come on, Izuku."

With that, the lavender haired boy gently grabbed onto Midoriya's arm, and dragged him into one of the aisles, picking up one of the baskets that were neatly stacked in a corner. Shinsou glanced around, briefly scanning over the brands of the large variety of chips, before he found the first item on Kaminari's messy shopping list.

Shinsou groaned, squinting at the next item on the list, as Midoriya ruffled through the various bags, trying to pick out one with a later expiry date despite the fact that the chips were most likely going to be eaten in three days.

"Next up... a lot of soda." Shinsou muttered, and the smaller green haired boy dumped the chips in the basket, before picking it up, "How do they drink so many sugary drinks?"

"Beats me. I have no idea." The taller boy muttered, "Then after that it's candy, then some fruit snacks. This is... a lot of stuff."

"I think we've got more snacks than actual proper groceries." Midoriya grumbled, reading the ingredients list at the back of the chips bag, "So many preservatives..."

"To be fair, we get fresh groceries twice a week, and Dad only allows us to get snacks and junk food once a week. Obviously, Kaminari and Ashido would go a bit crazy and try to stock up for the week." Shinsou reasoned, "Plus, some people in the class are probably stress eating at this point, given how much crap is going on, and the examinations in two weeks."

Midoriya mutely nodded, and started looking around for the area where the chilled drinks were placed.

"Can we get apple juice?" Midoriya asked; it was something that Eri liked to drink, and after trying it a few times, Midoriya had found that he had taken a liking to the fruit drink.

Shinsou nodded, "Sure, why not? We can pick up some Gatorade as well, if you like."


Midoriya poured himself a glass of apple juice, before he made his way to the common room. Kaminari and Ashido had already set up the laptop and hooked it up to the television. Meanwhile, Shinsou was already settled in their bean bag, a horrendously large bowl of some yellowish-white snack in his lap, and a cup of steaming hot coffee sitting on the floor next to him.

The green haired boy slowly walked over to him, and sat down on the couch, near the laptop, before he reached down and picked up a kernel. He wasn't too sure what it was... but it did five off a nice, light buttery smell.

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