Chapter 101 - I don't know

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Midoriya stared up at the ceiling blearily. He hadn't been able to sleep, and he had already taken several trips to the bathroom in order to empty out the non-existent contents of his stomach.

He was tired, he wanted to just sleep it off, but every time he closed his eyes, he would just envision a rope around his neck, slowly strangling him, or maybe a penknife that he had stabbed into his stomach, or him standing at the top of a building, looking down at the ground, or -

Midoriya shook himself out of his thoughts. He wasn't sure what time it was, but he could see some light passing through the small gap between his curtains; it was probably five or six in the morning. Midoriya rolled over gently, taking care not to crush Reiko or Ryuto, and grabbed his phone. He switched it on, and tried to read the time, but the large, glaring numbers were just swimming off the screen and Midoriya could barely decipher them.

Midoriya groaned, and placed his phone on the ground, before he flipped himself over. He curled up into a ball in a useless attempt to calm his gurgling insides, but in the end, he was forced to dash to the bathroom again to heave more bile up.


Nezu frowned, as he watched the video that Aizawa had sent him. Apparently, 1-A had a game night, playing some psychological horror game disguised as a dating simulator, and Kaminari had uploaded them onto the 1-A youtube channel before going to sleep. He did have the foresight to censor some of the more... questionable things that Midoriya had said before he uploaded it, and had sent the full, unedited version to Aizawa, concerned about Midoriya's mental health. Of course, that wasn't Aizawa's forte, so the tired teacher had forwarded the email to Nezu and Inui.

Nezu could see how the game upset Midoriya; the boy had admitted to him before that he had attempted suicide before, and then was somehow roped into playing a game that was literally had half its characters killing themselves. And just that afternoon, he had been insulted by some random, stupid woman due to his lack of a quirk.

The principal was pretty sure most of the teachers had seen the video that Kaminari posted, since most of them used the youtube channel to ensure that 1-A hadn't blown their dorms up by accident, and Kayama had been right when she mentioned how pale Midoriya was. The greenette had always been pale, probably due to constantly losing blood due to villain attacks and not having time to sufficiently recover before he threw himself into danger again, but upon rewinding the videos, Nezu could see that Midoriya's face had lost its colour the second Sayori's death scene had played.

Inui had suggested talking to him about it, but Midoriya didn't trust Inui, that much was obvious. And while Midoriya wasn't the type of person to lie, if he didn't want to speak, he would just clam up and not say a single word. And while the teachers did suspect that Midoriya had attempted suicide before, Nezu was the only one with concrete proof from Midoriya himself that he had attempted it on several occasions; if Inui tried to handle Midoriya's case, it definitely wouldn't turn out well.

There was a knock on the door, and Nezu's ears perked up. It was only eight in the morning, and usually, the teachers spent their weekends sleeping in, unless there were meetings planned days in advance. Of course, most of them had probably woken up to check the video that the kids had posted, and had most likely gone back to sleep to deal with it when they were more alive.

Confused, the principal called out, "Come in?"

The door opened, and Nezu found Midoriya standing outside his door. The kid closed the door behind him gently, before his eyes were immediately fixated on something in the corner of his office, and Midoriya immediately made a beeline towards it.

In his confusion, Nezu tried to figure out what had gotten Midoriya's attention, and turned around, spotting the bean bag in the corner of his office. The animal principal had noticed that the students in all the dorms were always using the bean bags, and while he did know that kids liked bean bags, he didn't expect them to spend pretty much all their time sitting in them, so the principal had gotten one for himself to try it out. He had to admit, it was rather comfortable, and he had nearly fallen asleep sitting in it; the bean bag was practically like a bed to him.

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