Chapter 32 - Lost souls dancing

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Shoji entered the box, and trained his gaze on Midoriya. He might have been hesitant to go up against the boy before; he didn't want to make Midoriya's injuries worse. But seeing how he practically wrecked Kamakiri, Shoji wasn't taking any chances.

The second Kan gave the signal, Shoji shot forward, intending to grab onto Midoriya and just wrestle him to the ground. Midoriya wasn't particularly strong, as far as he could tell, but his speed combined with his technique let him hit hard and fast.

Unsurprisingly, Midoriya shot forward as well, but slid under Shoji's arms at the very last second. Shoji tried to stop him, and reached out his left arm, trying to grab onto Midoriya, but Midoriya swiftly kicked Shoji in the back of his knee, knocking the larger boy slightly off balance.

Shoji managed to stabilize himself easily; Midoriya didn't have enough strength to knock him down, but the green haired boy had enough time to pivot around on his foot, kicking Shoji in the chin as he turned around to face Midoriya.

Midoriya jumped backwards after his assault, before charging in again, aiming at Shoji's elbow as he tried to block Midoriya's attack.

Midoriya's attacks aren't as effective against Shoji as they were against Kamakiri... Aizawa stared at the ongoing fight as Midoriya feinted, then landed another kick against Shoji's side when the larger boy tried to block a punch to the face. But he is slowly wearing Shoji down. Shoji's way too bulky to keep up with Midoriya.

He was going to have to work on Shoji's mobility. Shoji was strong, alright, and he's stood out based on his appearance and strength. But up against someone as agile and nimble as Midoriya, coupled with the smaller boy's experience with fighting against multiple opponents at once, Shoji didn't stand a chance.

What Midoriya lacked in physical strength, he made up with relentless attacks, forcing Shoji to stay on the defensive.

The rather one-sided fight ended when Midoriya finally gave Shoji a breather, letting the boy get up as he purposely relaxed, making Shoji think that he had an opening. Shoji had charged at Midoriya, only for the smaller boy to duck beneath Shoji's arms and swiftly knocking his legs out from under him, making Shoji land outside the box, albeit barely.


Kan frowned, and looked towards his students. Shiozaki had fought Midoriya in the Sports Festival, but he's clearly shown that he is able to evade most of Shiozaki's long-ranged attacks, and she still needed practice in hand to hand combat. Kodai and Awase's quirks relied on their effects on other items, and the field itself was rather barren. There were several students that he felt could take Midoriya down, but Midoriya was smart as well; after seeing his notebooks, Kan was certain that Midoriya could easily bulldoze his way through half the class, if not more, without much of a problem if he had fully recovered.

And as much as he wanted to send Komori out to take Midoriya down, Midoriya still wasn't fully recovered, and he had a feeling that Shuzenji would chew him out if she found out that there were mushrooms growing in Midoriya's lungs, courtesy of Komori's quirk.

"Tetsutetsu! You're up!" Kan barked out, and the metallic quirked boy gleefully took his place on the field.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment on it. He did want to see how Kirishima would fare against Midoriya, but Tetsutetsu would be an example, given the similarity between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's fighting styles and quirks.

Midoriya scowled internally as he eyed Tetsutetsu. Both Tetsutetsu and Kirishima were the opponents that Midoriya had the most trouble facing; given that he couldn't just get past their defences with agility and speed. He probably couldn't punch him; he'd break his hands again, and he wanted to avoid that as far as possible. He needed his hands to do his homework.

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