Chapter 28 - Into the dark below

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Shuzenji really wanted to scold Midoriya for leaving the room without anyone's permission, but she really couldn't find it in her heart to do so. The boy looked completely worn out, and his gaze was so blank and empty that Shuzenji could only wonder what had happened to him to reduce him to such a state.

He had literally passed out out of exhaustion when he had gotten back to the infirmary, and she actually had to check on him to make sure he was okay. His face was pale, and even as he slept, he was trembling like a leaf in a hurricane.

Reiko and Ryuto were pressed up against his neck, and she draped the oversized jacket over Midoriya's small body. The fact that he didn't even stir even as she did so was evidence of how tired he was.

She really wanted to help him, but while she could do so physically, she didn't know how to do so psychologically.

Midoriya didn't trust anyone, and he only believed that people would hurt him. It wasn't because he was a violent kid that he attacked Yagi; he was afraid that Yagi would hurt him.

The poor child believed that he was worthless. He was willing to throw his life away for his classmates, willing to push himself beyond his limits, even if it meant breaking himself in the process.

Midoriya was also a vigilante, and that was another whole can of worms that Shuzenji didn't want to open now. She could see some scars that were stitched together rather badly, and she had specifically checked if Midoriya had gotten any check-ups for any of them before.

His last check up was when he was ten, for a head injury after "falling" off the school building.

That was utter bullcrap. No one could just fall off the roof of a school; Midoriya was either pushed off, or he had tried to kill himself.

Given that he had to be admitted to the hospital that one time, his trauma induced quirk must have activated after the incident. Trauma induced quirks weren't rare, but they weren't exactly common either. And usually, the quirk that manifested was usually something that the person would have gotten if they had developed a quirk normally; it was usually a mixture of their parents' quirks.

But Midoriya's quirk was nothing like his mother's weak telekinesis quirk or his father's fire breathing quirk; his ability of not being able to die and being able to somewhat recover from fatal injuries just seemed to come out of nowhere.

Shuzenji just hoped that she and the other teachers could eventually gain Midoriya's trust. That was the only way that they could help him.


"This isn't going to work."

Yamada turned around to face Aizawa.

"We can't keep relying on Nezu to help Midoriya whenever he's being stubborn and pushing himself too far. We're his teachers; we need him to be able to trust us if we want any chance of helping him." Aizawa lamented.

"Yeah, especially for you, right?" Snipe sighed, "You're to be his new homeroom teacher. I would give you tips on handling him if I could... but I'm as lost as you are when it comes to helping him."

"I'm also stumped as to how to help Midoriya." Inui admitted, "I have never seen a case as bad as his. There are also cases that are better than his that didn't...turn out well. As much as I hate to say it-"

"Midoriya's not a lost cause." Aizawa interrupted, "The fact that he's willing to talk to Nezu shows that he still has a chance of healing and getting better."

"I wasn't going to say that." Inui growled, "I don't think I can help him. His condition is beyond what I am capable of handling, but if Midoriya isn't even willing to trust us, his teachers, or his schoolmates, it's going to be even harder for him to trust an outside psychiatrist."

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