Chapter 52 - First you gotta know

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"I was thinking... isn't Nezu like... Young Midoriya's legal guardian or something? He did adopt him, after all." Yagi asked, "Young Midoriya clearly doesn't like the blindfold; he bit me once. Not to mention the restraints. Doesn't that give him the right to deny medical treatment, especially if he knows it's going to set Young Midoriya off? Unless thers's some other laws that I am unaware of."

Hakamata frowned, "That is a good point. Tsukauchi?"

"In most cases, in any other hospital, yes, Nezu would be able to deny Midoriya medical treatment with valid reasons. We placed Midoriya in the hospital specifically for heroes in order to keep him safe from any potential threats while he's recovering, and for secrecy from the press. Recovery Girl did inform Nezu of Midoriya's condition, and he did make an appeal to transfer Midoriya back to UA's infirmary, where it would be easier to Recovery Girl to take care of him. However, in here... the Hero Commission is in charge. While Nezu is knowledgeable enough about medical practises to make informed decisions, he does not have the neccesary qualifications to change Midoriya's treatment without it going through the Hero Commission first."

Tsukauchi paused to let the two injured heroes contemplate his words, before continuing, "Not only that, but in very blunt terms, and I quote the Hero Commission directly, Midoriya is considered an "anomaly"; a quirkless child, heck, any normal person would have died given everything he had gone through, and yet, he's miraculously survived. People don't like what's different from them, they don't like what they don't understand, and the Hero Commission is no different; they want to keep a close eye on him. They don't know about Midoriya's situation, and while I know they want the best for the people, I fear that if they find out about his quirk... they may exploit him like they did to Hawks and make him do something he doesn't want to do."

"Not only that, but we all know Nezu's... complicated situation. Nezu's appeals go through a lot more scrutinization than other heroes, simply because, well, he's an animal; the Hero Commision nitpicks at everything. While Nezu has gotten used to dealing with all the paperwork regarding the running of UA to avoid most major problems... Nezu has never done appeals regarding medical appeals and doesn't really know what the Hero Commission is looking out for. As far as I know... they pretty much dismissed his appeal."

"What about Recovery Girl?" Hakamata asked, just as Shuzenji walked into the hospital room to check on Yagi, "She's a veteran, and she's handled Midoriya before."

"I have seniority, that's it. I don't work here, I can only advise the other doctors on what to do." Shuzenji admitted, "And if they chose to discard my advice, there's nothing I can do about it. Even if I did work here, in a normal setting, I would be severely outvoted. Midoriya has a dislike for blankets, for some reason, and I told them about covering his eyes already, but they're, well... I hate to say it, they are following protocol, but they're not being flexible at all. Basically, in here, our hands are tied until Midoriya wakes up without panicking and can explain his situation... and Midoriya never tells anyone when he has any problems... which is another can of worms we can't deal with until he's better."

"I agree that something has to be done... but still... restraining him is a horrible idea." Hakamata muttered, "Getting tied to a bed has got to be terrible. Are there any other options?"

"Nope. Like I said, restraint is only used as an absolute last resort. They wouldn't suggest it if there were any other options." Shuzenji shook her head.


"Hey, Reiko... You doing okay there?" Shinsou sat down beside the cat. Her paw was still bandaged up, but she was walking around without much trouble.

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