Chapter 159 - I'll drop the tiniest seed

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Togata pushed open the door that Yagi had called him too, "Hey All Might-sensei!"

Amajiki trailed in shyly behind him, almost hiding behind the cheery blonde, as Sasaki walked into the room, looking around. His eyes caught onto Midoriya and Shinsou, sitting on one side of the couch, and he raised an eyebrow, "I understand Midoriya being here... as he's been helping you with some stuff... but what about the other... uh... Your name is Shinsou, I believe?"

Shinsou nodded, taking a long, awkward sip of his coffee, as Midoriya leaned forward, peering at the Pro Hero and the two members of the Big Three, cradling his coffee in his hands gently.

"Ah, welcome!" Yagi smiled, "Please, sit down! We have some things to discuss."

It took a few seconds for Sasaki to settle down into an armchair by the side of the room, and for Togata to sit down next to Shinsou, with Amajiki awkwardly wiggling between his friend and the armrest of the couch.

"First off, congrats on mastering Black Whip..." Yagi stated, as Togata scratched his neck, "Well... I wouldn't say I mastered it... especially in comparison to Permeation. I've only used it for about a week now... plus, I did have some help from Tamaki... did you know that he could turn his individual fingers into tentacles? He really did help me quite a lot with learning how to use Black Whip. I can only maintain it for a couple of seconds, but at my low level, it's already a pretty powerful supporting quirk!"

"That's very nice. The faster you learn the basics of how to use these new quirks... the more prepared you would be in the event that you would need to use them." Yagi nodded, and Sasaki spoke up, "So... you were trying to do some research into the other... potential quirks that Mirio could end up developing due to One for All... right?"

Yagi nodded, "In the end, I couldn't find everything. Despite this, you must move forwards to the next step. I've compiled all the details I could find about One for All's previous users... Unfortunately... I couldn't find any leads on the second and third users. Young Midoriya's also been doing his best to try and help me with my research, but given the era back then, and the multi-faceted nature of One for All... there's nothing about them in the records. If the past users realized that One for All would pass their quirks down, they might have left something behind themselves. but we cannot do anything to change it at the moment."

"Ah, so that's where Midoriya's being disappearing too after lessons." Togata smacked his palm with his fist, "I was looking for him a couple of times to see if he could analyze Black Whip."

Sasaki frowned, "If Mirio can use the quirks of the past users... maybe something other than the quirks are also stored within All for One?"

"Nope!" Togata shook his head, and Yagi shrugged, "If there was some way to contact the pass users through One for All... I've definitely not experienced it. Given the fact that Black Whip didn't even manifest for me... it is very possible that Young Mirio is the only one who might have the potential to somehow contact them, if that is even possible in the first place."

"Alright. Let's get back on track." Sasaki nodded.

Amajiki cautiously picked up the notebook, and started flipping through it, "So, forgive me if I'm wrong... but the fifth user was... Lariat?"

"Real Name: Banjo Daigoro. Quirk: Black Whip. Because of the strings of energy he could shoot out, he was well suited for binding enemies and maneuvering in midair." Yagi nodded.

"Not to be insulting... I know that there are some abilities that may seem powerful, but are really difficult to execute, just like Permeation..." Togata looked through the notebook over Amajiki's shoulder, "But I have a feeling that if these quirks were used in our time... on their own, they would be overshadowed pretty easily."

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