A/N Hey! Sorry I havent uploaded for a while. University has been really hectic, and I had been working on some other projects, like the Romantic Fall series that I'm posting in my HitoZuku drabble book!
Was also making music! XDXD
Back to the story!
"Alright, the lesson is almost over... but you guys did that mathematics test a few weeks back..." Ectoplasm picked up the stack of papers on his desk, "Most of you did decently... but uh... I guess I should give the papers back first..."
Ectoplasm walked around the room slowly, handing the papers back to each student, and Midoriya lowered his head slightly. He had a feeling that he hadn't done as well as he had hoped, and he was praying that he was just being paranoid and was overthinking everything. Mathematics was one topic that he refused to get less than 100% for, and he really didn't know what he would do if he got any lower than full marks.
It didn't take too long for the mathematics teacher to make his way over to Midoriya's table, gently placing his test paper on his table, before moving on to the next student.
Much to Midoriya's dismay, he stared at the test paper on his table; he had only gotten a 99.5%. Hastily flipping through the test paper in a panic, Midoriya tried to find the source of his downfall. He knew this topic very well, and there was no reason why he would be losing marks.
The greenette just stared at his paper. He had lost marks, simply because he had forgotten to write down the final units for one of his answers. It wasn't because he didn't know how to do the question... he had just been really, really careless. He was such a disappointment.
Sure, he may have been distracted almost all the time since they were having the test while Shinsou was still hospitalized, but there was still no reason why he would be losing marks for absolutely no reason.
"Kaminari, Ashido, Shinsou, please stay back for a minute or two... the rest of you can go for lunch." Ectoplasm stated, eliciting sighs from the blonde and the pinkette. The rest of the students eagerly started clearing their tables and heading towards the cafeteria, but Midoriya just remained in his head, staring at his paper in utter disappointment.
"You okay, Zuku?" Shinsou turned around to face the smaller boy, and Midoriya looked up slightly, gazing at the taller boy, before nodding.
After waiting for a couple of minutes for the others to leave the classroom, Ectoplasm sighed, "Kaminari, Ashido."
"Uh... hai..." Kaminari tensed up, but Ectoplasm shook his head, "I'm not mad. You two seem to be doing pretty well for this topic, right?"
"I mean... yeah?" Ashido scratched her head, "It's the highest test score I've ever gotten."
"Looking at the rest of your mathematics scores for this test... I think it is possible to pull your mathematics grades up if you had done very well on this test." Ectoplasm stated, "Not to say that you've done badly, but you would need a better test grade if you want to pull the rest of your grade up to a safe level."
"It's not like we can retake this test..." Kaminari muttered, but Ectoplasm shook his head, "No. Shinsou will be sitting for this test next week, since he missed the actual test. If you two want to, I can allow you to sit for the retake as well, and I will take the higher score and use it for your grades."

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...