"Yes... I know. But I'm worried about some of them. The ones who were closest to the fighting are taking it the worst... and him as well... yes... alright, he can come as well. Thank you so much, Kyoken. I owe you one." Inui put the phone down, and sighed, "He agreed to come help me out in about a week. He's bringing his colleague as well."
"That's great." Nezu nodded, "It would be good to check on the other students, especially Shinsou, Monoma, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Uraraka."
"Even though Iida wasn't part of the fighting for most of the time, he's still guilty, because he feels that he was too slow in getting help." Inui sighed. "But it's probably nowhere as bad as Midoriya's."
"His mental state is particularly worrisome, since he had taken the brunt of the attacks, and probably the most pain and trauma. Not to mention the abuse under his previous schools and foster parents." Nezu agreed. "What does his colleague do?"
"Well, you know Kyoken's quirk is an empathic one. It allows him to ... feel... for a lack of a better term, the emotions and mental state of a person through contact, though in a much dampened state so he won't be overwhelmed. He might get flashes of memories, but that would only be the case if the memory is tied to a particular emotion. His colleague is a therapist, the one that asks questions, using Kyoken's quirk as a base to figure out what is appropriate and what isn't. His quirk allows him to calm people down in case they end up panicking." Inui replied, "They've handled much worse cases than I have, like military trauma, so I feel that they are best suited to handle this."
"Alright." Nezu sighed, "I really hope that they can get over this. They deserve that, at the very least."
Aizawa stood at the table, waiting for Yagi to enter the room. He was supposed to teach the heroics class now, and he seemed to be late.
He eyed Midoriya, who was sitting at the back of the classroom, staring blankly ahead.
"I don't know where the big oaf is, but -"
Aizawa watched as Midoriya winced slightly. It was almost unnoticeable, but definitely a wince. He resisted the urge to facepalm. He had already run through will Yagi on how to act with Midoriya in the class, and the idiot had already forgotten the first two rules that Aizawa had put down; not to suddenly yell or make loud noises, and to make Midoriya aware of his presence before doing anything.
Yagi burst into the room in his muscle form, and he saw a small glint of displeasure that appeared in Midoriya's eyes, that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Nezu had already told him to read Midoriya by his eyes, not by his posture or actions, and Aizawa could definitely read Midoriya much better than before.
Midoriya disliked Yagi for some reason. Aizawa felt that while Midoriya might have been semi-conscious after being smashed by the Nomu, he had a vague idea of what was going on, and somewhat knew about Yagi accidentally smacking him away. Not to mention the man had freaked him out when Midoriya had just regained consciousness.
Aizawa didn't like Yagi as well; the man had no tact at all.
"I told you to tone it down." Aizawa growled, and Yagi scratched his head sheepishly, "Ah, I'm sorry."
Yagi fished his script out of his pocket, and turned to address the class, "Alright, now we're going to go to Ground Gamma!"
Apparently, the activity Yagi had in mind was an obstacle course in the fake factory labrinth in the industrial site. He had already grouped the twenty one students into four groups of four and one group of five.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...