Midoriya wasn't too sure what to do. Reiko had been in the common room when they had gotten back, sitting on the sofa with the others and watching the news. Midoriya honestly wanted to go take a quick nap before dinner, but the second that Shinsou placed Shirou on the ground, all hell broke loose.
The larger cat's eyes were immediately trained on Ryuto, who was playing tic tac toe with Kaminari and Ashido on the floor, using rocks and sticks. Admittedly, Kaminari and Ashido won the first couple of times while trying and failing to teach Ryuto the rules, until Tokage found them and explained everything for Ryuto. It took a couple of tries for the hawk to really understand how to play, but he did have several wins against the two students.
Shirou nearly pounced on the bird while he was distracted, and Reiko growled from her perch on the armrest, but the larger cat merely ignored her, opting to take in the new surroundings. Ryuto warbled in delight as he won another round, and Shirou pounced.
He would have torn Ryuto apart if Reiko hadn't leapt off the armrest, tackling Shirou and knocking him off course. Ryuto gave a panicked squawk, fluttering upwards to perch on Shoji's shoulder, out of reach, as he tried to figure out what was going on.
The two cats tumbled to the ground, and Reiko snarled, baring her teeth, and Shirou took this as a challenge. Shiro swiped at Reiko, but the smaller cat instantly evaded and pounced, tackling Shirou in the side. Reiko rolled over, quickly regaining her footing, and pounced on the downed Shirou, letting out the most terrifying growl anyone had heard from the normally gentle cat.
Shirou glanced at Reiko, before closing his eyes and turning his head to the side, sign of defeat, and Reiko let out of victorious huff. She hopped to the ground, and quickly glanced upwards, at Ryuto who was still perched on Shoji's shoulder, before looking at Midoriya. She chirped, and walked over to him, rubbing herself against his leg.
"Well, that's one way to introduce yourself." Shinsou blinked, as Midoriya reached down to pick his cat up. Midoriya gave Shinsou a quick look, making a slight nod in the direction of the hallway that led to the rooms, before he gave a sharp whistle. Ryuto hopped off Shoji's shoulder, before perching on the green haired boy's head, and Midoriya made his way up to his room.
Shinsou bent down, and scooped Shirou up.
"New cat, Shinsou?" Ashido asked, and Shinsou nodded, "Yeah. Called him Shirou. Aizawa-sensei said that I could bring him, even if he's new. And honestly... I didn't think he'd end up fighting with Reiko."
Shirou gave a small hiss, and looked away, and Shinsou stood up, "I'm going to get Shirou comfortable. I'll see you guys at dinner."
Shinsou walked up the stairs to his room, and Kaminari blinked.
"I'm going to be honest. Reiko can be terrifying." Sero spoke up, "I didn't think she'd be able to take Shirou down, given the size difference."
"Well, Reiko is overprotective of Ryuto, and Shirou did try to attack him." Tokage pointed out.
"True." Sero admitted, and Kirishima grinned, "That's cause Reiko is super manly!"
Midoriya sat down on his bed, and picked Reiko up. He slightly nudged Ryuto, and the hawk hopped over to his hand, looking back to Midoriya, "Reiko, Ryuto, that was Shirou. Shinsou's new cat."
Reiko gave a small mew, and Midoriya looked at her directly in the eye, "No fighting, okay?"
Reiko whined, and Midoriya sighed, "I know you're just protecting Ryu. But Shirou's new. You don't have to like him, just tolerate him."

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...