Chapter 137 - Seed begins to rise

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"I'm sure you've heard about the news from UA." Sakamata sighed, scratching his head, "Frankly speaking, we don't know where these villains are coming from. Be careful. Always be on the lookout."

Jiro and Shoji both nodded, and the Killer Whale Hero turned towards the door, "Get changed. Originally, I was going to bring you kids for some infiltration work, but I think we'll play it safe for now, and let the others deal with that. We'll be going on a patrol today."

When Sakamata meant to patrol, Jiro did not think that it meant that they were going to be jumped by a fire wielding villain. Sakamata was strong, yes, but being a killer whale meant that he was weak to heat and fire in general. Sakamata was doing his best to fend off the villain, but the Killer Whale hero was just barely able to keep up, with the rapidly rising temperatures, and the fires that were threatening to hit civilians.

Jiro let out a large sound wave from her speakers on her shoes, taking out some of the fire; Yamada had taught her how to do that back in UA, while they were practicing their quirks, and she was eternally grateful that the Voice Hero had given her some pointers, given the rather similar nature of their quirks.

Suddenly, a loud gunshot rang out, and Jiro felt like her ears were going to explode. She gritted her teeth in pain, and turned around, noticing that Shoji was grappling with another hero, with a bleeding stump on his arm, though the multi-limbed boy didn't seem too bothered by it. Flicking her gaze towards the ground, Jiro noticed that one of his extra limbs was lying on the ground lifelessly, blood pooling from the point where the limbs were supposed to be attached to Shoji's body.

Shoji's formed an extra arm to try and pin the villain down, but the villain just made a finger fun, aiming it at Shoji's new limb, and another loud gunshot resonated outwards, completely blasting off Shoji's new limb, leaving another bloody stump and mutilated limb in his wake.

"Tentacole!" Jiro yelled, remembering just in time to use his hero name, and she angled her speakers towards the villain that Shoji was dealing with, intending to use her sound waves to blast stun the villain long enough for Shoji to finish him off, when she felt a weird, tingly sensation from the plug in her speakers, up her earlobes. She hastily yanked her earphone jacks out, and looked down to check on her speakers, only to realize that her speakers were sparking, being completely unusable.

"Come on, don't interrupt their fight." A high pitched voice resonated from behind her. Jiro turned around, coming face to face with a female villain. She vaguely processed that Sakatama was using his hypersonic waves to blast away more fire, as the villain smirked, "Your opponent is right here!"

The villain lunged forwards, as Jiro hastily evaded, pulling a knife out of her belt. She was barely decent in the art of using sharp blades, but it wasn't like she had a choice. Her speakers were completely busted, and until she figured out what quirk the villain had, she was going to need every bit of help she could get.

Jiro jumped back as the villain lunged again, slashing her knife at the villain, who just evaded. She should just keep the villain occupied with her knife, and then use her earphone jacks as a surprise attack; since it was a part of her body, she was able to control its movements much more precisely than her knife.

She heard another gunshot, and wet splat rang out from behind her, as Sakamata roared, and fired off another hypersonic wave before body slamming the fire villain he was fighting into the ground, as Jiro sidestepped, and slashed her knife at the villain.

The villain merely caught her hand, smiling widely, "You're not very good with a knife, are you? How long have you been using it, a day?"

Jiro growled, and sent her earphone jacks out towards the villain, intending to stab her in the eye in order for her to release her arm, but the villain merely smirked, using her other hand to grab onto Jiro's elongated earlobes. She placed her thumb on the metal earphone jacks, "Thank you, dearie."

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