Chapter 46 - I'm just a liar

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"So, Void," Shigaraki started, unlocking the metal door and stepping into the confined space. Midoriya barely reacted to his words, but he was aware that the villain was here.

He heard Shigaraki step closer, and felt a hand reach out, slowly but surely disintegrating his shoulder.

"Do you think the heroes care about you?"

Midoriya paused at the question; he definitely hadn't been expecting that from the man. He had to be careful; Shigaraki was up to something for sure.

"I mean... I know it's not publicly known and all that you're quirkless... but do you think they'll come and save you? Even with that knowledge?"

Midoriya split his focus between his leg and Shigaraki's words. He needed to figure out what was going on. Shigaraki knows that he'll get out of his alive due to his quirk... so what on earth was he planning? Was he trying to make him lose faith in the heroes?

"I know that you know that you can't speak. You have a fucking muzzle." Shigaraki growled, "But you can fucking nod and shake your head. Answer me."

Midoriya weakly nodded his head. He knew that this event would probably be broadcasted all over Japan... and he knew for a fact that Nezu would want to save him. The other heroes... Midoriya wasn't too sure about. They'd probably do it for the publicity; that, and it would look bad on the hero society if they didn't save a student from one of the best schools in UA.

"Do you think they really want to do it? Do they really want to save a useless, quirkless child?"

If Shigaraki wanted him to lose faith in heroes... he was doing a pretty bad job at trying to hide his real intentions.

Which meant that Midoriya shouldn't agree with him. He'll just refuse to agree with everything Shigaraki said... piss him off... make him frustrated...

Use his emotions against him... cloud his mind...

If he made Shigaraki angry enough... maybe he'd find out more about their real intentions. Find out what they were planning.

That was the only way he could be useful; by knowing.

Midoriya nodded his head again.

"Well then... you're pretty stupid then." Shigaraki laughed, "But you'll learn, in time. Well, hope you're having fun."

Midoriya could feel that Shigaraki's quirk had sped up, disintegrating his muscles, eating away into his shoulder until he reached the bone. Blood was flowing profusely out of his arm, and Midoriya bit his lip to prevent himself from making a single sound.

You deserve it... don't you agree... you deserve to suffer... after all, you're just a worthless, pathetic child who can't do anything right... you deserve to die... but you can't even do that right...

Midoriya tried to block his own thoughts on his head, and focused on the fresh, metallic smell of blood in the air.

... no one really wants to save you...


"Hi, Izu-kun!" Midoriya heard Toga chirp, as the female villain stepped into his cell, "I hope you missed me!"

Midoriya didn't reply; he didn't want to, and he couldn't even if he had wanted to.

"You look so pretty, you know? All covered in blood... though it's a pity I can't see your cute face... Shiggy said that we can't remove that thing for safety reasons or something. I bet you're cute with all that blood on you..." He could feel her staring intently at him.

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