Midoriya had sensed the portal in the distance, but before he could do anything, he felt Kamihara shifting, pulling him away from the incoming heat.
They were blasted backwards into some rubble, and Midoriya couldn't even find the strength to even whimper in pain. He felt Shigaraki draw closer and closer, and Midoriya carefully opened his eyes, trying to orientate himself. His heart dropped; Reiko had run past him, clawing at Shigaraki's legs desperately until the man kicked her away.
They hurt her.
They Hurt Rei.
Midoriya growled internally, and shakily pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the burning pain that flared through his entire body.
No one hurts his cat and gets away with it.
Shigaraki was going to pay for what he did.
"Midoriya...? How...?" Kamihara blinked, completely stupefied, as Shigaraki seethed, "What... you... We broke you!"
Shigaraki rushed at Midoriya, but the green and red blur shot out, grabbing Shigaraki's wrists, completely stopping the villain in his tracks.
None of them could think properly; Midoriya's angry, bloodthirsty aura was just that potent.
"Impossible..." Nishiya gasped, watching as Midoriya took a step, and completely flipped Shigaraki over his shoulder, throwing him into the ground. He was emitting some kind of pressure, pushing down on them, preventing them from breathing, and Nishiya was terrified of the kid; quirk or no, he shouldn't be able to move in his state, let alone casually tossing villains over his shoulder.
"Help him!" Aizawa growled, as Hikiishi screeched, "What!? How on earth is he still alive!?"
"Midoriya, stop! You're going to hurt yourself even more!" Shinsou yelled, about to run into the fray, but Nishiya quickly grabbed him, and the rest of the students, just in case, "No, you guys have done enough! You're barely abiding by the law! Stay put!"
Aizawa was about to rush in to help Midoriya, when Hikiishi activated her quirk on him and Yaoyorozu, the attraction causing Aizawa to fly backwards as Yaoyorozu was stuck in Nishiya's grasp. Chatora caught him in time before he crashed into her.
Midoriya glared at Shigaraki, ignoring what was going on behind him, his emerald orbs gleaming angrily in the darkness, before he hunched over. He spat out a torrent of blood, as more blood dripped from his injuries. Shigaraki picked himself up from the ground, snarling, before he rushed at Midoriya, but the boy merely whipped a knife out of his pocket and slashed at Shigaraki, forcing him to dodge.
"Why does he have a knife!? Why didn't you disarm him!?" Shigaraki yelled.
"He was practically half dead when we brought him in! Did you actually expect him to have a weapon!?" Bubaigawara growled, "How the heck did he even survive getting his throat slit!? That's amazing!"
Tensei gulped.
They did WHAT to him!?
They could only watch helplessly as Midoriya danced around Shigaraki with his broken bones, before Midoriya harshly grabbed Shigaraki's hand, and in one swift movement, snapped his wrist. Shigaraki let out a howl of pain before Midoriya kicked him in the back of the knee, sending Shigaraki to his knees.
Hikiishi snapped out of her stupor, and activated her quirk on Sako and Bubaigawara. Using the repulsion between the two males, she launched Bubaigawara off in Midoriya's direction. Bubaigawara swiftly took out his tape measure, and attempted to slash at Midoriya, but the green haired boy casually sidestepped the speedy attack and kicked Bubaigawara into the ground, and the combined force from the repulsion and Midoriya's kick knocked the man out.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...