"Hey, don't take it too hard, okay?" Togata grinned, patting Midoriya on the back, "Some people are unreasonable sometimes. Don't listen to them."
They entered the fastfood restaurant, and Togata sat down at a relatively large table, picking up a menu, "Hey, Midori, you want anything?"
Midoriya didn't respond, and just slumped into his seat, dejected. He stared into space, deep in thought, before Togata nudged him gently, "Midoriya? You okay?"
He still didn't get much of a reply, and Togata scratched his head. He knew Midoriya was probably upset over that woman's comment; anyone would be hurt by a brash comment like that. Amajiki would also get depressed by comments like that, but at least, he knew how to cheer his friend up. He just didn't know how to distract the greenette, or cheer him up.
"Hey, Midori, I'll just order you some soda, okay? Sounds good?" Togata pressed on a bit more, trying to see if that would get Midoriya to react, but the boy just sighed and looked away.
Togata sighed internally, and put the menu down. He didn't know how else to cheer the smaller boy up.
"Honey! Honey, please, calm down!"
"This so-called hero got Kokaru injured!
"It's just a small scratch! Calm down! Jeez!"
"It's my child! Not yours! If you had a kid of your own, you'd understand!"
Kaminari walked into the common room, staring intently at his phone.
"Hey, Kaminari, what drama are you watching?" Jiro asked, as she scrolled through the news on her phone with one earphone jack plugged in, listening to some music.
"Stop being so unreasonable! He's just a kid too! Stop grilling him!"
"If you're so concerned about your kid, how did you even lose him in the first place!"
"Honey, please. This isn't helping anyone."
Kaminari paused the video, "Uh... are you talking to me?"
"Duh. Who else?" Jiro rolled her eyes, as Shinsou looked up from his phone. He had just contacted Kamihara about the possibility of doing his work studies with him, but sadly, Kamihara was busy with his new team-up with Takeyama and Nishiya, and wasn't able to have him for work studies as well, but he did wish the lavender haired boy the best of luck for his work studies in the future.
"Oh... I thought... you guys might want to see this." Kaminari spoke up, connecting his phone to the television, "Apparently, this was uploaded just a few minutes ago... and it's about Midoriya. It's not good."
"Midoriya?" Jiro asked, confused, as Shinsou blinked, "What happened to Izuku?"
"I HEARD IZUKU! WHO DO I NEED TO KILL!?" Uraraka shouted, running down the stairs, as Iida chopped his arms, "No running in the dorms! And killing is not appropriate behaviour for a hero!"
"No killing. Yet." Todoroki spoke up, turning his attention to the screen.
"... Just watch this." Kaminari rewinded the video.
The video started with some villain holding a child over a balcony, somewhere on the fourth floor, as the recorder was standing on the ground floor. There was some shouting, before the villain dropped the child.
"Oh shit." Jiro muttered, and Iida was too shocked to even scold her for her language.
Suddenly, they watched as Midoriya leapt off the railing, catching the child as they both fell to the ground. With a roll, Midoriya hit the ground, and the students could tell that Midoriya had dislocated his shoulder from the impact. The greenette didn't seem to care too much, and just popped it back into place, and stood up, before a woman pushed her way through the crowd.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...