Chapter 29 - Your eyes stare right through me

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There was silence as the students processed what the 1-B form teacher had said, before they all gawked.

Monoma was surprised, but not as much as his peers; Midoriya had already told him during the Sports Festival that he had kept an eye on them, but wasn't five pages of notes per person a bit extreme?! How was he even able to get so much information in the first place?!

Aizawa scratched the back of his head, before grumbling, "Problem child. I really shouldn't be surprised at all... Snipe's still not done marking that forty page essay you handed in weeks ago about me, and that other thirty-five page essay you did on Mic's speaker, and I don't even want to know you managed to figure out all the inner workings of Mic's equipment. Snipe's still trying to convince Power Loader for the blueprints."

The essay was so long because a third of it practically included sketches, diagrams, and mathematical calculations, and while it was just supposed to be an essay, it was still relevant and they were accurate.

Aizawa flipped through a few more pages, before sighing, "I have to say, though, this saves a lot of time. We know exactly what they should be working on. Do you mind if I photocopy it to give to the class?"

Midoriya blinked in confusion.

Wait... did he imply that I did good?

Midoriya didn't really know how to reply, and blankly shrugged. If Aizawa wanted to let the class see, Midoriya couldn't care less. As long as Aizawa wasn't handing it over to criminals, Midoriya was perfectly fine with it.

He probably wasn't going to get his notebook back though. He never got anything back from the teachers whenever they "confiscated" his stuff, aside from tests and examination papers.

"Alright. Now, all of you go find a spot to practise. On your own or in pairs, I don't care, just don't be too noisy. Vlad King and I will come around to tell you guys what to work on." Aizawa ordered, "Midoriya, you're free to do whatever you want, just be careful, okay? There may be some stray attacks."

Midoriya have a nod of acknowledgement, before he stepped back to the side, carefully eyeing his surroundings as the students split off to find some space.


Training was going pretty smoothly. Midoriya was observing all the students as they practised their quirks, mentally noting down everything from the power of their quirks down to their forms.

Bakugou's form is good, but he should concentrate the power of his explosions. Todoroki as well, but his form absolutely sucks, and he doesn't know how to fight without his quirk. Shinsou's form is okay, not too bad but could use some adjustments. Ojiro's form is fine, Iida's accelerating at the wrong times, Uraraka's form could also use some adjustments.

He turned to where Hagakure was supposed to be, and resisted the urge to facepalm. Hagakure's form was just terrible, though to be fair, no one could see her properly and correct her form, especially since she was pretty much naked. Which idiot didn't make her a costume!? And not being able to make an invisible costume was just bullshit; that third year Lemillion had a costumed made based off his hair so that he wouldn't end up being naked. He would need to get closer in order to get a better idea of how to correct her form, but she wasn't even pointing her toes in the right direction; Midoriya could tell that much at the very least from the Sports Festival.

He was about to get closer to take a better look, until something caught eye.

The purple sticky haired boy was slowly sneaking closer to Yaoyorozu. They were all wearing their hero costumes, and Yaoyorozu's hero costume was so revealing, it was revolting to think that it was actually made by grown adults who thought it was okay for her to have more skin exposed than covered.

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