Aizawa activated his quirk, his eyes flaring red, and Shinsou felt his headache fade away with his quirk. He sighed in relief, and Aizawa frowned, "I can feel your quirk, it's still there... but it's not working? Go see Recovery Girl. Midoriya, go with him."
Aizawa turned to Kaminari, "What happened just now?"
"I don't know? We were sparring, Midoriya was watching, and then he crept up behind me and I think he tried to use his quirk so..." Kaminari's voice gradually grew softer as Midoriya led Shinsou to the infirmary, walking through the halls of UA quietly, the only sound being Shinsou's footsteps echoing through the hallways.
Midoriya looked up at Shinsou worriedly. He had a rough idea of what was going on, but he didn't have enough information to make a firm conclusion, and Shinsou was upset enough as it was; he didn't want to ask questions and make Shinsou even more upset.
"It doesn't make sense... my quirk is still there... I can feel it... it's just not working..." Shinsou sighed, as they finally arrived at the infirmary.
They entered the infirmary, and Shuzenji glanced up at them, "Aizawa already told me what happened. Sit down."
She let Shinsou sit down on the bed, and Midoriya just awkwardly remained standing, not sure if he should move aside or sit somewhere else, but Shuzenji just glanced at him, "Sit down with him. I don't mind."
She pulled up Shinsou's medical records, and turned her attention back to Shinsou, "So... quirk issue? According to the information I have... there is nothing wrong with your quirk. No brain injuries or anything of the sort; it should be functioning normally."
"My quirk's there..." Shinsou nodded, "I don't know, it just feels like it doesn't want to work with me? It's being really uncooperative? I tried to use it but it just didn't work and gave me a headache."
Shuzenji frowned slightly, and hummed, before she gave Shinsou some energy gummies, "I'll have to look into it. But from your description... it seems unlikely that the quirk is damaged... but I've never heard of non-sentient quirks refusing to work... Go back to the dorms first. Get your dad, and see if it's just a one-off thing with Kaminari, or it just doesn't work with everyone else."
"Alright." Shinsou nodded, and stood up, and Midoriya just glanced at him, before he nodded at Shuzenji, following Shinsou out of the infirmary.
"Urg." Shinsou groaned, as he flopped onto Midoriya's bean bag, belly first. Midoriya tilted his head, and crawled onto his bed, leaning against Shinsou, as Shirou crawled up onto Shinsou's back to lie down.
Iida, Todoroki, Koda, and Uraraka had offered to let Shinsou try his quirk on them despite his protests, but even after they managed to convince him it was okay, it still didn't work, and it only gave Shinsou a terrible migraine that made him feel like throwing up. Several of the others, like Kirishima, and even Jiro, after her therapy session with Inui, were willing to let him try his quirk out, to no avail.
Shinsou wasn't eager to use his quirk on anyone for no reason due to all the insults he's had growing up, but he just wanted some confirmation that it was working properly; even if he wasn't reliant on it to fight, he had grown up with it, and it was just terrifying thinking that a certain part of him wasn't functioning well.
"It's still not working." Shinsou muttered dejectedly, his headache being a dull pounding at the back of his head. Reiko and Ryuto curled up on his lap, and Midoriya reached out, gently running his fingers through Shinsou's hair. Midoriya knew he liked head pats, but he wasn't too sure if Shinsou liked it as well, but he knew that if Shinsou didn't like it, he would tell him outright.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...