"Hey, Zuku, there's no lessons today, want to go out?" Shinsou asked.
Midoriya raised his head, and frowned slightly, "Isn't it... dangerous? The work studies were all cancelled... and we were called back to UA..."
"True..." Shinsou sighed, flopping down on the bean bag next to Midoriya. The boy had taken the old mattress off his bed frame, and had chucked it on the ground, by the balcony doors. Reiko and Ryuto were fooling around with a rubber ball that Yaoyorozu had made, while Midoriya used the now empty bed frame as a table for his laptop and scrap metal.
Shinsou's phone vibrated, and Shinsou groggily reached out, grabbkng his phone, before he read the message that was sent to the class group chat.
"Eri is in the dorms!"
Shinsou raised his eyebrow, before he turned to Midoriya, "Did you know that Eri's coming over?"
Midoriya tilted his head in confusion, before he shook his head, and proceeded to pack his stuff. The greenette stood up, and walked out of his room, with Shinsou following behind. They made their way to the common room, and found Aizawa standing by the door, the Big Three fooling around with Eri as she excitedly tried to tell them about a drawing she made.
Ashido, Tokage, Awase, and Sero were playing Mario Kart, and Kendo was trying to keep Monoma under control after he insulted Bakugou for the umpteenth time.
"We need to go out for something, so we can't take care of Eri at the moment." Aizawa stated, "She'll be in your care until night time; we should be back in time to pick her up for bed. I don't think lunch and dinner will be too much of a problem, she isn't too picky."
"Alright." Iida nodded, as Eri caught sight of Midoriya and ran at him, smiling brightly, "Izuku! I made a drawing with the crayons Ms. Midnight gave me, and she said it was really nice!"
Midoriya nodded, and gently patted Eri's head, being careful not to touch her horn, as Aizawa turned towards the door, "Don't make too much of a mess. If you need anything, just call Nezu or something."
"Okay! Bye bye, Mr. Aizawa!" Eri waved, and the Erasure hero disappeared out the door.
"Alright! Let's make a pillow fort!" Ashido shouted, and Eri turned to her innocently, "What's a pillow fort?"
Midoriya also looked at Ashido questioningly, confusion written all over his face, and it was obvious that he was as confused as Eri was.
"Pillow forts are, like, the best things ever." Ashido grinned, "Basically, we use all the soft, really fluffy things we can find, and then we just stick them everywhere and make the whole place soft and fluffy!"
Eri's face lit up at the mention of soft and fluffy things, and Hagakure butted in, "We should split into teams! Some of us deal with the snacks, and the rest of us can gather all the blankets and bean bags and pillows and start planning out all the entire fort! And then we can all watch movies in the fort!"
Eri asked, "Will there be apples?"
"We've got apples in the fridge. I can cut them up." Sato offered, and Eri smiled brightly.
"I can help with food!" Hado ran over to the kitchen, and Kodai raised her hand, "I can bring the 1-B couches over..."
"Awesome! Let's go! Let's go!" Ashido cheered, "Invite everyone else from 1-B over too! We are going to make the best pillow fort ever!"
"Don't drape blankets over the counter! It'll get dirty!" Sato sighed, as Ashido proceeded to pull the blankets over the tables and secured them with Sero's tape. Kodai had brought over the couches and cushions from 1-B's dorm, and had helped with bringing the blankets and pillows from Yaoyorozu's room.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...