Chapter 127 - In the make-believe

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It had taken some time for the purple haired boy to fully process Midoriya's words, before he tried to take a step closer, finally finding his voice and speaking up, "Izuku... What are you talking about? I don't understand -"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Midoriya muttered, taking a step back, "It's always been like this. There's no such thing as being friends. You're all just treating me like some sort of joke, aren't you? Am I just a joke to you? Is that it? Do you really hate me that much? Do you hate me because I'm quirkless? You just think I'm so stupid and worthless and useless and I should just go and die -"

"You're not -" Shinsou tried to speak up, but Midoriya just growled, his voice waving slightly, "Stop lying to my face. You think that I can't tell!? You think that I'll fall for it again!? I'm tired of living in a world filled with nothing but lies."

Shinsou just blinked, not really sure how to react, as Midoriya's eyes glowed in the shadows, the rest of the students and teachers falling into complete and utter silence.

"You've been planning this from the very start... right? All of you just pretend, pretend to want to be friends with me, pretend that you actually care about me, pretend that my worthless existence actually has some meaning. You wanted me to trust you, and the second that I give my trust to you, you'll just break it. You'd just laugh and spit in my face, and tell me that I don't deserve to be alive, that I should just go kill myself. Tell me to hang myself, slash my wrists and bleed out, get run over by a car, dump gasoline on myself and burn myself alive, take a swan dive off the roof of a building, slit my throat and drown in my own blood..."

Shinsou distinctly heard a horrified gasp from behind him, but he wasn't too sure who made that sound.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Stop trying to pretend. You're all the same; you can't fool me. I'm not going to fall for it again. I'm not dumb." Midoriya miserably replied, taking a step back, away from Shinsou, "You were all planning this from the start, weren't you? What's next, you're going to leave red spider lilies on my desk? A black rose? It's not the first time it's happened."

"Izuku, no one's going to -"

"Shut up! Don't "Izuku" me!" Midoriya snapped, and Shinsou flinched slightly; Midoriya was never one to raise his voice. The purple haired boy just remained silent, glancing at the greenette as Midoriya took another step back hesitatingly, his voice quieting again, "Shut up. Just shut up. I don't want to hear it. I'm not going to listen to you. It won't work again. I'm not stupid."

Midoriya swallowed his saliva, as Reiko pawed at the boy's sweatpants, trying to do her best to comfort her human. The greenette clenched his fists, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he took another step back.

"You're just the same as everyone else. I'm just a joke to you. You pretend to want to be friends, you pretend that you actually care about me, and the second that I decided to trust you, you'll just laugh and spit in my face, and tell me to go kill myself." Midoriya muttered, his voice wavering slightly as tremors raced through his small body, "You're all the same... I should have known that... nothing would have changed..."

"Do you... really think... that badly of us?" Shinsou finally managed to find his voice, and stammered out. He felt terrible; while Midoriya did call them his friends a few times in the past, Shinsou knew that Midoriya was still shaky with the basic concept of friends.

It was obvious that Midoriya wouldn't want to change anything at this point and time, given his past, but yet, Shinsou had been selfish, and had tried to push a little too far.

Now, everything was ruined. He had probably just destroyed all the trust that Midoriya had placed in him.

"Of course not! I thought you guys really wanted to be my friend! For real!" Midoriya screamed, though, to his classmates and teachers, it sounded more like a desperate wail of agony, "I trusted you! All of you! I thought... I thought you were different... That's why... just the thought of you guys, of all of you... leaving me alone... just like everyone else... telling me that I should go and die... it just hurts..."

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