Chapter 14 - You thought I'd forget

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Midoriya decided that he had a lot on his hands.

Not only did he have to hide a cat from his foster mother, now he also had to hide a bird.

At the very least, both of them were very quiet, so Midoriya didn't have to worry about one of them waking someone up by accident.

And upon doing further research at one in the morning, instead of going out as Void, he discovered that Reiko, as gentle as she was, could have killed the bird. He should probably ask Nezu about a vet... He really didn't know how to care for a bird, let alone deal with diseases and bacteria and other stuff he couldn't fix with normal equipment.

Reiko did look somewhat guilty when he had mentioned that to her, and she just wrapped herself around the bird and cuddled it. They were sitting on his lap, and Midoriya was more than happy to let them rest on him if they wanted to.

On that note, Midoriya was around... seventy percent sure that he somehow had a baby hawk, based on the pattern on the egg. Which raised another legal question, if he was allowed to keep it.

Midoriya was sure as heck not giving up the little bird any time soon, he and Reiko were already attached to the baby avian, but he was aware that hawks were wild creatures, and that once his little baby grew up, they will probably want to go free. If they wanted to, Midoriya was more than willing to let them leave.

Midoriya shut off his laptop, and climbed onto his bed, cradling the already asleep Reiko and the baby bird, before he curled up around the two smaller animals and tried to fall asleep.


"So... a hawk?" Nezu raised his eyebrow, as he found Midoriya wanting to talk to him early in the morning.

Midoriya just held the baby bird gently in his hand, as Reiko groomed herself on the ground.

"Well... People do own hawks around here. There are a couple of places where you can buy hawks on the outskirts of Musutafu." Nezu pointed out, "And since you hatched it, I don't think it's a good idea to send him away, especially since he's so young."


"Yeah. He's a male." Nezu replied, gently reaching out to pat the baby avian, and Midoriya gently handed the bird to him. "He seems okay, even though Reiko licked him. Cats tongues are very rough, and the bacteria on their saliva can be deadly to birds, let alone a baby bird. I'll talk to Recovery Girl about it. You go on for your lessons, I'll take care of him."

"Thank you." Midoriya bowed, but just as he turned to leave, the baby hawk started chirping in what sounded like distress. Reiko leapt up onto Nezu's chair, then his table, and meowed, staring at the chick in Nezu's paws. Nezu gently placed the chick in front of Reiko, and Reiko leaned down and stuck out her tongue, before freezing.

She quickly retracted her tongue, before just opting to nuzzle the baby hawk. She still remembered what Midoriya had mentioned before, and Nezu's words echoed in her head as well.

"Well..." Nezu hummed, "I'll deal with it, somehow."

Midoriya merely bowed again, scratched Reiko behind her ears, and left the office.



They were to go on internships next week.

Shinsou stared at his list of heroes that had sent him an offer. He had many offers, being the runner up of the Sports Festival, but he wasn't sure who to choose. None of them were underground heroes, which would be preferable for him, and most of them focused on using their quirks too much. Completely different from how Shinsou fought, since he wanted to use his quirk as little as possible, and have it as a hidden trump card instead.

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