"Yaomomo!" Ashido screamed, as she ran into the 1-A dorms, Iida running behind her, "Ashido! Don't run!"
Yaoyorozu yelped, messing up the piano notes in her shock, as Bakugou yelled, "What the hell, Pinky?!"
"Give me the key to the walk-in closet, please!" Ashido rushed up to Yaoyorozu, as Togata, carrying Eri, walked into the dorms, with Shinsou, Uraraka, Kirishima and Midoriya behind him. Mineta was scrolling through something on his phone, as Sato, Shoji, Ojiro, Koda, Asui and Hagakure were chatting as they ate some snacks.
"Uh... okay?" Yaoyorozu replied, fishing the key out of her pocket, "Why, though? I thought we already decided on the outfits for the dancers this morning?"
Ashido was about to reply when Mineta whirled around and asked, "Midoriya, why is your name on the list of participants for the beauty pageant?!"
That quickly got everyone's attention, as Togata gently placed Eri on the ground, and the smaller girl spoke up, "I thought he'd look nice!"
"Are you... sure?" Ojiro sweatdropped, as Midoriya just remained silent, not even seeming to be flustered or embarrassed at all, though he refused to look anyone in the eye.
"What the actual fuck -" Bakugou was immediately shut up as Midoriya quickly covered Eri's ears with his hands, glaring at Bakugou darkly as Eri looked up at him in confusion. Ashido grinned, "Alright! Come on, Midoriya! I'll let Eri pick out some stuff for you! The rest of you, I'll be back in five minutes! You better be ready for practicing!"
Ashido ran towards the elevator, as Eri followed, dragging both Togata and Midoriya behind her. The elevator doors closed, and Shoji tilted his head in confusion, "Is he... actually serious about the pageant? Midoriya doesn't like attention."
Iida sighed, "I don't think he even knows what's going on. Ashido brought it up, and Eri seemed excited about it. Izuku said that he just wanted to make Eri happy."
"You have to admit, Midoriya's got guts to do something like that." Kaminari stretched, "I wouldn't have the guts to do that."
Shinsou sighed, "Well... I just hope the others won't judge Izuku too harshly."
"No way." Uraraka replied, "If they judge him, I'll kick their butts."
There were only a few more hours until Eri had to go back to the hospital, and Togata escorted her out of the dorms.
Midoriya had spent the rest of the day sleeping in the bean bag, until Sato started vacuuming the common room, leaving Midoriya no choice but to continue sitting on the couch, watching blankly as the Band Team continued practicing as Bakugou screamed at Kaminari.
Ashido smiled, as she watched Hagakure light-heartedly tease Midoriya about joining the pageant, as Iida, Uraraka, and Shinsou tried to defend him. There were a few reasons why she wanted Midoriya to join, other than Eri's enthusiasm.
First, Midoriya was cute, but unlike most of the other boys in her class, he was slimmer, with a leaner build, even though they all knew that underneath his clothes and bandages, he packed a serious punch. Out of curiosity, she had always wanted to see how the boy would look in a dress, but given the greenette's personality, it wasn't like she could just ask him to put on any outfit she handed to him. But testing outfits for the pageant was the perfect occasion to get him to do so.
Secondly, she really wanted to see Shinsou's reaction. She did know that Shinsou liked Midoriya, and just wanted to tease him, just for the fun of it.
Thirdly, she had made a bet with Hagakure a few weeks ago over which boy in class would look best in a dress. Hagakure was somehow insistent that Todoroki or Bakugou would look good, but Ashido was convinced that Midoriya would look better. They couldn't just get the boys to dress up, but all she had to do was convince Hagakure that Midoriya could look good in a few outfits.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...