Chapter 27 - It never works that way

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Maijima sighed as he made his way back to the support course classrooms. He wanted to tweak the security systems again, and the remainder of the staff meeting didn't concern him, so he had been given permission to leave early.

He just happened to pass by the 1-C classroom, when he heard the sound of papers being shuffled.

That's weird, he thought. If it were in 1-A or 1-B, he would understand; they were given a group assignment for their heroics lessons, and some had requested to stay back in order to get it going, but there was no reason for a general education student to still be in school.

Maijima carefully took a peek into the classroom, and much to his surprise, he found Midoriya rummaging through his papers that were sitting in the compartment under his desk. He had no idea what the boy was looking for, but given where he was looking, it was most likely his homework.

Goddammit, kid. Just relax for once.

Maijima knew that he wouldn't be able to get close to the exhausted child without making matters worse. He had already heard how vicious the boy was with Yagi, and he really didn't want to do anything that may spook or harm the boy further.

He quickly walked away, and whipped out his phone to text Nezu. The mouse bear thing would know how to deal with the problem child. For now, all the rest of the teachers could do was wait and hope for the best.


Shinsou yawned, and stretched, as the four passed by the infirmary. Yaoyorozu figured that while they wouldn't be able to wrangle the boy back to the infirmary, but another authoritative figure, such as Shuzenji or Nezu, might. But they weren't going to go out of their way to inform someone and snitch, no, that would just break all the trust that Midoriya may have put in them.

But if they just happened to meet Nezu or Shuzenji and they asked.... well, it wouldn't hurt to tell them. Nezu was the principal and Shuzenji was the nurse.

Speak of the devil... and they shall appear.

Shuzenji had almost barrelled into Jiro and Yaoyorozu as she exited the infirmary, mumbling, "Where on earth is he?!"

"Uh... are you talking about Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu stammered, "We saw him going by the hallway, but we're not sure what he wants. I accidentally startled him and he fell down, but he managed to get back up and continued on his way. He didn't want us to help him."

Reiko padded out of the infirmary, looking around before she faced Shinsou. She purred and rubbed her head against Shinsou's pant leg. The lilac haired boy squatted down and scratched Reiko under her chin, "Don't worry about him. He's strong, right?"

"He shouldn't even be able to move around, let alone leave the room, especially with all those painkillers." Shuzenji grumbled, "He's too stubborn for his own good. Aizawa really was right in calling him a problem child."

She looked up at the group of students, and sighed, "Go home first. I'll deal with Midoriya. Normally, I would be mad that you never helped him, but seeing how he is right now... It was a good call. At the moment... you won't be able to help him."

"Recovery Girl... What happened to him? I... I honestly have never seen anyone act like he does... I'm kinda worried... and I don't know enough about things like this to help him..." Yaoyorozu faltered.

Shuzenji bit her lip for a second, before she replied, "You should go talk to Hound Dog about this matter. I don't know enough about psychology in order to advise you on what to do. All I can say is to be patient with him; Midoriya's been through a lot, I honestly don't know the full extent of it."

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