Chapter 132 - I held my hand to take

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Shinsou sighed, and was about to go up to his room to grab his Switch when Bakugou stomped out of the kitchen, "We need more f-... groceries."

"Bakugou! It's not nice to swear!" Hado chided him, as Eri looked up at the bubbly third year, "What's a swear?"

"Nothing you have to know of!" Togata cheerily interrupted, as Shinsou pulled out his phone to text Aizawa.

It took a minute for the teacher to reply, and Shinsou looked up from his phone, "Sure. Just that he wants to stop by the cafe to get some coffee."

"CAFE!" Ashido shrieked, jumping off the couch and cheering, startling Midoriya enough to make him flinch and nearly drop his Rubik's Cube, and the greenette looked up at the pink girl in confusion.

"Calm down." Shinsou rolled his eyes, "We can get a group of students to grab groceries, and another group to get coffee for everyone else."

"Coffee!" Ashido raised her hand determinedly, and Bakugo rolled his eyes, "We need food to cook, Pinky."

"I'm getting groceries too." Sato raised his hand, and Eri perked up, "Can we make candy apples?"

Sato blinked, and he grinned, "Oh yeah! I did say that! Not today, though, we're all a little tired, but we can definitely make them in the future! You okay with that, Midoriya?"

Midoriya looked up at the mention of his name, and tilted his head, considering the statement, before nodding. Eri's face lit up, and she shot to her feet, cheering, "Yeah! Candy apples! I can wait!"

"You really liked that candy apple I made, didn't you?" Sato smiled, and Eri nodded eagerly, "It was so sweet! I loved it!"

"Well... I'm getting coffee." Shinsou muttered, "I want coffee. You going, Izuku?"

Midoriya nodded as well, placing his Rubik's Cube down, and signing, "Can I go to the cafe too?"

"Yeah, sure." Shinsou grinned as he sent a message into the group chat about the shopping trip, "Alright, let's just see what the others choose to do."


Almost all of the students had left the dorms to come on the grocery and coffee trip, and the only ones who were still in the dorms were Mineta and Aoyama, the later having gotten a stomach ache due to his more sensitive stomach caused by his quirk. Kayama had offered to take one of UA's buses for easier transport, and to help babysit the grocery group while Aizawa grabbed a coffee.

Out of the students that did come, most of them had gone to the supermarket with Kayama, leaving Shinsou, Midoriya, Shoji, Kaminari, Hagakure, Koda, and Ashido with the buying of drinks and any other beverages and snacks the others might want.

Midoriya peered up at the menu that was pinned on the wall behind the counter, looking over the options. Needless to say... he had absolutely no idea what half the words on the menu were. What on earth was a frappuccino, or a cappuccino for that matter? Or a latte? Why were there so many different types of tea? Why were people drowning fruits inside the tea? Midoriya swore that dunking strawberries in black tea wasn't the most edible option.

Most of the other students didn't seem to have too much of a problem picking out their drinks, though; they had already ordered, and were waiting on the other side of the counter for the cafe staff to finish making their drinks. Aizawa was sitting in one of the chairs, waiting for his drink, but it seems like he had fallen asleep while waiting.

"Do you know what you want?" Shinsou quietly asked, waiting patiently as the smaller boy squinted at the menu like it would somehow decipher the words and make them make more sense, and Midoriya internally sighed, and shook his head; he couldn't make heads or tails out of the menu anyways.

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