Chapter 143 - Evading shadows

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Midoriya walked up to the counter in the cafeteria, and Lunch Rush turned to him, politely waiting for him to order something. The boy usually just sat quietly in the cafeteria, listening to the conversations of his friends as he sipped some iced coffee from a curly straw that Lunch Rush felt like putting in his cup.

It was cold, and Lunch Rush had no idea why Midoriya drank iced coffee so much despite the cold temperature. It wasn't even like he was wearing a scarf or jacket around, just his school uniform. But from various conversations by the teachers and students, he did understand that Midoriya wasn't eating properly, and that was definitely not good for his health.

Midoriya made some weird gestures, signing that he wanted iced coffee, and Lunch Rush nodded. He made Midoriya's coffee, before he had a good idea, and walked over to the stove and scooped out a small bowl of soup. He quickly placed the bowl and glass on a tray, and passed the tray to Midoriya. He knew that Midoriya was generally alright with liquids, and today's soup was rather light; Midoriya should have no problem with the soup.

The greenette just looked at the bowl, confused, before he looked up at Lunch Rush. The Cook Hero just placed a clean spoon next to the bowl, before giving Midoriya an energetic thumbs-up. Midoriya really didn't know what Lunch Rush was up to, but he just nodded, giving Lunch Rush a silent thank you, before he walked back to his seat.

"You got soup?" Uraraka asked, and Midoriya shrugged in confusion, but he gently picked up the spoon, and started drinking his soup slowly. He had no idea why Lunch Rush decided to give him soup when he didn't order it, but the Cook Hero's food was good, and it would be a waste to not drink it. It tasted like chicken soup, with some small bits of carrots and radish, along with a bit of salt and pepper. There was still some flavor, but it wasn't too heavy to the point where he felt like throwing up.

Midoriya seemed content enough with his soup, and Iida stood up, raising his head and turning towards the counter, where Lunch Rush was serving other students. The hero seemed to notice Iida looking at him, and shot the boy a thumbs up. Iida swore he could see Lunch Rush beaming proudly under his chef hat and mask, and the bespectacled boy just smiled back, waved, and sat back down.


Midoriya clenched his eyes shut as he curled up on his bean bag, trying to keep himself under control. The urge to just mutilate himself just grew stronger and stronger, and it was making him feel sick.

Midoriya had no idea why he was feeling like that. He thought he had gotten over it, ages ago, and the urges he had gotten over the last few days were just his way of trying to focus and deal with the problems at hand, but he felt like something was amiss. As the urge got stronger, he just felt like it was coming from an outside source that was pushing its own agendas, instead of himself. But it didn't make too much sense; maybe he was overthinking things again.

He noticed a number on his wrist, a black, bold line, staring back at him. He wasn't too sure where he got that line from, but he didn't think too much about it. Maybe he had just drawn on himself and he had forgotten about it, or Ashido or someone else just drew on his arm; his memory was never good when he was sick.

The greenette just stared at the mark, before he turned his attention back to the knife that was sitting in his palm. He glared at it for a good minute, before he tightened his grip, and slotted it back into its holder.

Bad Deku. Those thoughts aren't yours.

Midoriya just pushed himself up, ignoring the pulsating feeling that throbbed through his body now that he had actively ignored the urge, and he shoved the holder into his drawer. He picked out every other knife and blade he had on him, and also threw them into the drawer, before he slammed it shut.

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