Midoriya was tired.
He had barely slept a wink the entire night. Shinsou was flipping around in his bed, Iida's engines spluttered occasionally throughout the night, and next door, Sato was snoring while Shoji kept hitting the wall by accident.
The one time he managed to fall asleep, he had been plagued by a nightmare. He had been expecting it; it always happened, but Midoriya couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.
He was tired, but he couldn't let that show; it was a weakness that would be exploited. At the very least, he could function normally under these conditions; he was used to hunting down villains while hungry and exhausted, studying was no big deal.
He just really hoped that people would stay out of his personal space. It was uncomfortable, annoying, and just felt downright suffocating.
Maybe he could ask for another coffee; that would perk him up immediately. The first one didn't seem to be harmful at all.
He would just deal with the consequences later.
Shinsou yawned, and stretched, before climbing out of bed. He didn't sleep well, and had tossed and turned throughout the night, but that was normal for him; it had taken him a month or so to get used to sleeping in his new room once Aizawa and Yamada had adopted him.
He got out of bed, and proceeded to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Todoroki and Koda were still sleeping, but Iida was already up and packing. He found Midoriya staring at his phone, texting someone. Reiko was lounging by his side, and Ryuto was trying to walk across the headboard without falling.
"Morning, Iida, Midoriya." Shinsou greeted, and Iida looked up from his bag, and replied, "Good morning to you too, Shinsou!"
Midoriya glanced up at him, nodding in acknowledgement, and Shinsou noted that his eyebags just looked a lot worse than usual. Did he not sleep well?
"You look tired, Midoriya. You okay?" Shinsou asked, and Midoriya just shrugged. Reiko leapt off the bed, rubbing herself against Shinsou's leg, before meowing and jumping back onto Midoriya's bed. She purred, and Midoriya absentmindedly reached out to scratch her behind the ear.
Ryuto lost his balance, and fell onto the bed, before he chirped and moved over to Midoriya's size, settling down by his foot. A few stray downy feathers fluttered onto the bed, and Midoriya looked at them in confusion. Ryuto didn't seem to be bothered by the lost feathers, and he hopped onto Midoriya's leg, giving a small squeak, before settling down.
Shinsou just shrugged to himself and walked to the bathroom. It was too early for this.
"You barely ate anything at all yesterday." Yaoyorozu sighed, "Come on. Please?"
Midoriya resolutely shook his head. He wasn't hungry at all, and it would most likely make him sick; can't they just understand that and leave him alone?
"Hey, at least he's getting coffee?" Iida shrugged, "That's a start. It's not healthy not to eat breakfast, but I suppose you're not used to eating a lot."
Yaoyorozu stared at Iida, before sighing. Iida was technically the class representative, and if he said something, she would have to follow. Even though it technically wasn't an order, what he said still made sense.
Plus, Iida was a strict follower of rules, but he tended to bend them slightly in Midoriya's case. He knew him better than she did; it would be wise to listen to what he said.

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...