Chapter 107 - They're written in the walls

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"Alright... we're just waiting for one person..." Aizawa sighed, as he rubbed his eyes. The lessons for the day had just ended, and while most of 1-A had gone back to the dorms, he had requested that Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, Midoriya, Shinsou and Koda stay back. Nezu was standing next to Aizawa, observing the students, as Kan texted him, saying that he and Monoma were on their way.

A few minutes later, the familiar beeping sound of the gym door being unlocked rang out.

"Aizawa-sensei? Is this about Eri again?" Monoma asked, as he pushed the door to the gym open with Kan following behind him, before noticing the other students. He frowned, as he noticed the brown chinchilla in Uraraka's arms, and blinked in confusion, "Uhh..."

"You've noticed." Aizawa sighed again, he originally thought that Monoma was going to be a problem, given his odd hatred of 1-A, but he did seem more tolerant of Midoriya's friends, for some reason.

"What's going on?" Monoma asked, as Aizawa explained, "The chinchilla's name is Kinu, and she has a quirk. We were wondering if you could help figure out what it was."

"Oh..." Monoma muttered, walking up to the group, "She... won't bite, right?"

Something was off. Monoma could sense the phantom feeling of his quirk, twisting about under his skin.

"If you're nice... she probably won't." Uraraka replied, gently patting Kinu, before pointing to Monoma, "That's Monoma, and he's a friend, okay?"

Kinu just grabbed Uraraka's fingers, before she turned in Monoma's direction, inspecting him warily, as the blonde got closer. Monoma hesitantly reached out his hand, and Kinu sniffed his fingers, before deeming him okay, and nuzzling the blonde's fingertips.

As much as Monoma hated to admit it, he found the chinchilla cute. But Aizawa had called him for a reason, and he was going to prove his worth by doing just that.

Activating his quirk, Monoma mentally sieved around, trying to find the quirk that Aizawa said that the chinchilla had, and copied it.

Monoma retracted his hand, the familiar feeling of information rushing through his mind as his body figured out what was the quirk that he had just copied. His entire body felt like it was on fire, but it wasn't exactly unpleasant; it felt more like a rush of adrenaline when he was pushing himself past his limits while in a fight.

"Any luck?" Aizawa asked, as Kan observed the students, and Monoma hummed, "Well... there is an aspect of increased intelligence, though I'm not really too sure what's the extent of it... and something else... kind of like a quirk booster?"

"Can you use it?" Aizawa asked, and Monoma nodded, mentally flipping the switch that activated the copied quirk.

Almost immediately, Uraraka's fingers started twitching, and Todoroki nearly set himself on fire as Iida's spluttering engines startled him.

Shinsou just groaned, rubbing his head, "I feel like my head's going to explode..."

Kan was already feeling a little twitchy when he entered the gym, and he deduced that it was due to the quirk that Nezu said that Kinu had, but when Monoma activated it, it suddenly felt like he had drank one too many sodas, and all the energy was just flowing through his veins.

Reiko's ears twitched as she sat by Midoriya's feet, nuzzling her human, and Ryuto shuddered slightly, puffing out his feathers before waddling over to Reiko's side. Midoriya, Nezu, and Koda were the only ones who didn't really seem affected at all, and the greenette was busy scribbling something in a notebook.

Aizawa rubbed his eyes, and sighed, "Alright, that's enough, Monoma. Can you deactivate it?"

Monoma stuck out his tongue slightly as he closed his eyes, trying to do what Aizawa asked, and it took him a good minute just to do so, as the effects of the quirk faded away, "Yeah... I can... but it's... odd..."

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