Chapter 47 - Without deceiving

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Shinsou asked.

"Yes." Yaoyorozu nodded, "This is the spot the receiver is showing."

"Looks... kinda rundown. You sure we're going to find him here?" Uraraka pointed out.

"Well... I guess this is their hideout. Or, at the very least... some sort of storage facility." Shinsou spoke up, "The tracker was placed on the Nomu, right? Not on the villains themselves."

"That is true..." Todoroki muttered, "Also... just because the Nomus, and maybe the villains as well, are here, doesn't mean that Midoriya is here too."

"We have very little to go on." Yaoyorozu admitted.

"The only person who excels in sneaking around is Shinsou, given that he's aiming to be an underground hero, but I will still stop you if I think it's dangerous." Iida stated, "Just because I'm your friend, I will not hesitate to call the police if you attack."

"Well... Kamino is huge." Shinsou sighed, "We should check this place first. It's our only lead so far."

The group cautiously made their way closer to the building.

"No reaction. The lights aren't on either. It doesn't look like anyone's inside." Todoroki stated. "There's not a lot of people... but there are a few."

"We can't do anything to stand out." Uraraka whispered, "What should we do?"

"Let's try the back. Maybe we'll find something." Yaoyorozu muttered.

They made their way into an empty alleyway, trying to figure out how to get around the building, when suddenly, a squawk reverberated through the air. Shinsou looked up just as something shot towards them like a bullet. He reached his hands out just in time, catching the object before it hit the ground.

"What was that?" Iida asked, "A projectile?"

Shinsou took a closer look at the object, when he saw a bird in his grasp, shaking its head. He recognised the white and brown feathers, "Ryuto?"

The hawk looked up at the mention of his name, letting out a tired sounding cry.

Shinsou carefully smoothed out Ryuto's feathers. The bird was trembling, his feathers covered with dirt, and he looked completely exhausted.

"Where have you been all this time? What are you doing in Kamino? What happened to you?" Shinsou asked, carefully cradelling the hawk in his hands.

Ryuto gave a weak warble, but there wasn't anyone around that understood him.

"Shinsou, take care of Ryuto." Yaoyorozu ordered, "We'll continue looking for Midori-"

Ryuto's head shot up at the mere mention of Midoriya's name, and started screeching, flapping his wings wildly. Shinsou feared that he would fall out his grasp, but one thing was clear; whatever the bird had been doing since he disappeared, it was clearly related to Midoriya.

"Ryuto, shush! Calm down, look at me." Shinsou spoke up, and the hawk tucked his wings back in and turned to face the purple haired boy.

"Midoriya. Do you know where he is?"

Ryuto's eyes lit up, and he nodded.

Uraraka felt hope bubbling up in her chest, "Is he okay?"

Ryuto paused, thinking, before he shook his head, though he seemed a bit hesitant as he did so.

Shinsou bit his lip nervously, "Alright. Can you lead us to him?"

Ryuto nodded, and leapt out of Shinsou's arms. He staggered slightly, before straightening out, flapping his wings as he zoomed off in one direction, the students trying their best to keep up with the hawk. They could barely see the avian against the night sky, but Shinsou managed to keep an eye on the bird, until they finally reached another section of Kamino, where it consisted of mostly old and broken buildings.

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