Togata blinked.
"Wait, you know about that?!" Togata asked, and Midoriya nodded.
"I didn't use it just down, I swear. I only used Permeation." Togata tried to defend himself, and Midoriya just sighed.
"Well, at the very least, we can skip the introductions and get right to the point." Sasaki pushed his glasses upwards, "Mirio, it may be possible that besides from One for All, you may manifest other quirks as well."
"Eh?" Togata blinked, trying to process his mentor's words, "You mean... besides from super strength?"
"Yes." Sasaki nodded, "All Might already told you how One for All was created and passed down, didn't he?"
Togata nodded, "All for One's little brother gaining a stockpiling quirk, right?"
Yagi sighed, "Yes. That one. We have a theory that, due to the nature of the One for All, a power stockpiling quirk combined with a quirk that allowed the quirk to be given to someone, as the quirk was passed down from user to user, the quirks of the six other previous users of One for All may also be accessible."
The third year hummed, trying to process this information, "So I may manifest other quirks?"
"In simple terms, yes." Nezu nodded, "As you know, there are eight users before you, one including All for One's brother. You already know that All Might was formerly quirkless before gaining One for All, however, we only have information on two out of the six remaining possible quirks. Shimura Nana had a Float quirk, allowing her to suspend herself in mid-air, and something about a whip quirk. We have much less information about the second one, though."
"Well... that does make sense..." Togata blinked, and turned to Midoriya, "Uh... not to be rude... but are you sure we should be talking about that in front of... well... him?"
"Of course." Yagi rubbed his arm, "Young Midoriya already knows that I'm quirkless. And he was originally the one that came up with the idea that not just power, but quirks themselves can also be stockpiled."
"Woah! I didn't know my kouhai was so awesome." Togata grinned, patting Midoriya on the back, and the frustrated greenette was doing his best not to swat the older boy's hand away.
"Uh... Togata, you might want to stop patting Midoriya." Aizawa sweatdropped at the obliviousness of the third year, but luckily, Togata didn't question Aizawa's statement and retracted his hand. Sasaki nearly wanted to laugh at Midoriya's reaction; sure, the kid was almost impossible to read, but there was just something about him that Sasaki just found hilarious.
"So... assuming that it is possible..." Togata spoke up, "What should I do? Try to force it out? Or wait until something happens."
"I would think that just trying to see if you can access any of the quirks is a good start." Sasaki pushed his glasses up, "If we wait, the quirks may pop up at an undue time, and could end up being more of a hindrance than help. But if you can't bring out any other quirks, that is also fine. We don't really expect anything as of now, we just thought you should know about it so you'll know what to do and how to handle it in case it does appear."
"Alright." Togata nodded energetically, and punched the air, "Where do we start?"
Midoriya just stood in his spot, not moving a single inch as he watched Yagi, Sasaki and Togata talking. He wasn't needed here, to the world, he was a quirkless, useless child. Aizawa had no connection to this One for All problem either, but given what could happen, his presence was necessary in case One for All went berserk. But why on earth was he still requested to be here?
Midoriya glanced at Nezu, and the principal caught his gaze and cleared his throat, "Well, since you were the one that came up with this theory of multiple quirks, it was only fit to let you see how we were going to test it. Also, Nighteye here wanted to meet you."

Worthless Necessity [HitoZuku]
FanfictionQuirks aren't everything in this world, nor is your family status. Animals with quirks are pushed away, merely because they're animals. Nezu? Heck, he's so smart, everyone's scared of what would happen if they got on his bad side. Half the socie...