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J-Hope laid down on his back on his bed, Jimin's head resting on his thigh as he played some game on his phone. He was scrolling through Twitter, when he noticed there was a new tweet on their page.

He looked at the hashtag, but there was none there.

Took out the maknae line and Jin.

It was a video of black, so J-Hope turned his volume up a bit and played it

He heard someone clear their throat a bit, before a deeper voice rang through his ears.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine...
You make me happy,
When skies are gray...
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you...
Please, don't take,
My sunshine away..."

It was Yoongi.

He wasn't singing, but he wasn't talking either. It was more in between, his voice was much softer but still deep. Like Taehyung's singing voice, but more raspy. Then the video ended.

What was he doing?

The caption was "사랑해❤" [I love you], and J-Hope noticed the heart was red but not purple. Why wasn't it a purple heart?

"Jimin-ah." J-Hope called out for the younger. Jimin put his phone down and turned his head, accidentally moving it onto the elder's dick. "Did you see what Yoongi hyung posted on Twitter yet?" He questioned, going back to his phone to see ARMY's English capital letters as a sign they were screaming.

"I'm looking now, hyung." Jimin found it.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine...
You make me happy,
When skies are gray...
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you...
Please, don't take,
My sunshine away..."

"Where's the purple heart?" Jimin joked, which made J-Hope chuckle. "Exactly." He laughed. "I'm going to go see what it's all about." J-Hope got up and Jimin moved off of him, causing his dick to twitch in his pants. He ignored it and traveled across the dorm to Yoongi's room, knocking on the door and going inside.

The door was locked.

"Yoongi hyung~!" He called out. It was silent from the other side of the door. "Hyung?" He knocked again. Then again, and again. And again.


J-Hope shrugged his shoulders, maybe Yoongi didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

Yoongi's been acting off since he told the others about his relapse and self harming, he's been weird and just more off in general. J-Hope wanted to talk to him, but Taehyung offered so maybe Taehyung was talking to him now.

J-Hope walked into Taehyung's room, and saw him and Jungkook sleeping together, tangled in a pile of blankets that only allowed their hair to stick out of. He chuckled as he walked over, and yanked the pile of blankets off of the younger members.

He was a bit taken back at what he saw.

Taehyung groaned at the sudden icey cold, and reached back for the blanket. A half naked Jungkook cuddled closer to Taehyung with a whimper, curling into a small ball and hiding his face.

All the maknae had on was a pair of black boxers.

His hard abs were on clear display, his golden thighs almost literally shone from the outside light, and his face was scrunched up cutely like a bumny.

"What, hyung?" Taehyung groaned tiredly, turning over with a pout. "Um, why is Jungkook-" "Can we talk later?" Taehyung opened his eyes just enough to look at J-Hope. "Yeah...sure." J-Hope gave him the covers back and walked out of the room, closing the door after hearing three words from Taehyung.

"It's alright, sweetheart."

J-Hope found himself back in the room he shared with Jimin, and flopped back down on his bed to cuddle with the younger. "So?" Jimin replaced his head on J-Hope's lap. "Did Yoongi hyung explain the red heart?" He laughed cutely. "No, he wasn't in his room." J-Hope lied. "Taehyung and Jungkook-ah were asleep in Taehyung's room, though." He unlocked his phone.

"Aah..." Jimin nodded. "Yoongi hyung said something mean to Jungkook-ah yesterday and really hurt his feelings." He explained. J-Hope wondered if it was about the video game... "So Taehyung-ah is trying to make him feel better. Taehyungie told me this morning Jungkook ran to him in tears last night because he was so hurt, so Taehyung let him sleep with him." Jimin cautiously scrolled through Twitter, looking at ARMY's posts of praises and funny memes.

"Oh..." J-Hope had a better understanding of what he saw now. "Jungkook-ah probably wasn't wearing much, he takes at least his shirt off when he's really upset, then goes to one of us and he probably gets praised on how good his body looks- don't get me wrong, Jungkook-ah is very pretty." Jimin chuckled. "I agree." J-Hope nodded to himself since Jimin couldn't really see him. "That makes sense."

"So," Jimin paused, and put his phone down. "Does Yoongi hyung ever talk to you about what he's feeling?" The brown haired boy looked up at J-Hope. "No, why? He doesn't like to talk about it much, we both know that." J-Hope laughed nervously. "Well, because it seems like you two have been close recently, and I just want to know what's wrong with Yoongi hyung and how to help." Jimin sighed and looked away.

Were they really getting closer? Was it that obvious?

"What do you mean, close?" J-Hope asked curiously. "Well, in our group chat, you and Yoongi hyung just, kinda," Jimin bit his lip, he was thinking of what to say. "Just seem closer, I'm not sure." He smiled awkwardly. "I was just wondering if you knew, is all." Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

J-Hope did the same, looking back at his phone and going through Twitter.

After a few minutes of silence, Jimin suddenly started to laugh.

"Hyung, look at this."

J-Hope started to laugh too

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J-Hope started to laugh too.

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