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Yoongi wiped the water off of his face.


Jin's yell of frustration was making everybody laugh, even Yoongi. Jimin was hiding his face in Jungkook's shoulder from laughing so hard, the cameras were pointing to mainly Yoongi and Jin.

"YAH I WAS SO CLOSE!" Jin threw a half open water bottle at Yoongi, which made him jump back. "DON'T HIT ME!" Yoongi threw his blanket at Jin. "I WAS SO CLOSE AND YOU LET ME DOWN, I DO SO MUCH FOR YOU AND THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN?!"

This Run! BTS episode was chaotic.

"I WON ANYWAY!" Yoongi laughed and did his signature happy dance, which made Namjoon hide his face like Jimin from laughing so hard.

"BETRAYAL!" Jin called out and threw a hissy fit, yelling at Yoongi while he danced happily.

J-Hope was dying of laughter.

"Otsukare~!" Yoongi looked at J-Hope with his gummy smile. "Sama deshita~!" J-Hope yelled across the huge water course, and Yoongi looked at Jin. He started singing the lyrics to Jin, and the eldest tackled him playfully in frustration.

"Taehyung, Jungkook-ah! You're next!" The staff called out since the members were getting distracted, as always, and Jimin jokingly protected Yoongi from Jin while the two youngest members walked up to where Yoongi and Jin were a few minutes ago.

- 20 Minutes Later -


J-Hope pushed Yoongi into the pool of water to get a running start, and Yoongi quickly stood up and got the water off of his face. His hair was matted to his head as he quickly crawled out of the pool, taking his drenched shirt off.

Jimin whistled as a joke and Jin playfully hit him, everyone bursting into laughter at Jimin.

Yoongi glared at Jimin and ran after J-Hope, racing to catch up with him.

The cameraman who was filming Yoongi for a Yoongi Focus cam saw something on his arm and zoomed in for him to see, but when he realized what it was he quickly zoomed out of his arm and focused back on his figure.


Yoongi won the race against J-Hope, unaware the younger had let him win by purposefully slipping on the water,  and threw his hands in the air happily.

"Hyung get a shirt on!" Jungkook threw a dry shirt at Yoongi, but J-Hope managed to smack his tummy playfully before he slipped the shirt on. "Yah leave my tummy alone!" Yoongi yelled at J-Hope like a small dinosaur, making everyone laugh more.

Yoongi was mad now, he saw small ripples on his tummy when J-Hope hit it, meaning he had fat there too.

"But it's so cute!" J-Hope giggled. Yoongi pulled up J-Hope's shirt and smacked his tummy, being careful to keep his abs out of camera view since he was still strong and had them. Yoongi was embarrassed.

Jin knew Yoongi was embarrassed, he saw J-Hope's abs and immediately knew. Yoongi also always tried to pull the sleeves down, but since he was wearing a t-shirt he pulled the bottom of the shirt down to make sure no one could see his stomach.

"Yoongi-ya!" Jin called out to comfort Yoongi, and hugged him from behind. "I will protect your tummy from Hoseok-ah." He laughed and stole Yoongi from J-Hope. Jin glared at J-Hope for half a second, but the younger caught it.

A few minutes later the BTS Run episode was over, and Yoongi ventured off to the far bathroom to get a grip on his insecure thoughts.

'I was having a good day, everything was fine until now, it can still be a good day.'

Yoongi gave up, he hasn't had these thoughts in a long time, he forgot how to get rid of them. So instead, he left the bathroom with tears of self pity in his eyes, he let the same demons take over and make his body physically weak from the doubt.

He could never stick to a workout, that's why he was the only member in the group without abs. Everyone else still had them from the BE album, even if Namjoon's were barely there. Yoongi wrapped his arms around his stomach and went back to the others, looking up like he was fine.

"I need a shower, I'm covered in chlorine." Taehyung joked, his brown hair dripping water down his shirt, his abs visible through the white shirt. Jungkook licked his lips and looked away, going up to Yoongi and side-hugging him. "You won the entire thing hyung, you beat me!" Jungkook cried out playfully while most of the cameras shut off. Yoongi moved the maknae away and grabbed his black jacket, slipping it on and feeling better that he could hide his flat stomach.

"It's hot out here hyung, how are you-" "I'm really cold from the water." Yoongi chuckled and gave off his gummy smile, placing his right hand into the left sleeve to connect his hands in the jacket, laughing and moving them up and down at the same time. Jin's windshield wiper laugh went over Namjoon's, then Jimin's high-pitched giggle getting taken over by Taehyung's lower laughter.

About thirty minutes later the BTS members were driving back to their house, Jimin and Taehyung insisting to sit together, and Jin chose to sit with Yoongi.

He wanted to cheer him up.

"Yoongi, you okay?" Jin asked, watching Yoongi stare out the window and rub his inner arm. "Mhm." Yoongi whimpered as his fingers ran over the deep cut down his forearm, biting his lip. Jin grabbed Yoongi's wrist and tugged closer to him, pulling up the sleeve. "Hyung, what are you doing?" Yoongi asked, grateful he had cut closer to his elbow than his wrist. "You've just been acting down more than usual." Jin let go and looked out the opposite window. "Why did you grab my arm, I mean?" Yoongi asked, playing the innocent card. "Nothing." Jin shrugged.

He wasn't self harming, that was good. 

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