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[A/N: Only one chapter from now on, because author is running out of brain thingy T.T]

"Taehyungie, he'll be alright." Naeun tried comforting her boyfriend, since he was a sobbing mess laying on her chest. "Don't cry." She stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. Taehyung whimpered; it had only been not even two days since Jin left and he was still crying like a baby. "Baby, just think of it like this: he's going on vacation with his girlfriend." She tried cheering him up. "Just think of it like that." She started playing with his hair, eventually sighing when Taehyung wasn't calming down.

Yoonseok Focus


Yoongi screamed into the microphone, making J-Hope burst into laughter.




"My eardrums are pounding." Jungkook covered his ears when Yoongi was straight-up screaming into the microphone, everyone laughing at how red the elder's face was getting. J-Hope leaned on Namjoon, his laughter getting drowned out by Yoongi's yelling of whatever it was he was yelling.

"Three out of ten!" Jimin shook his head when Yoongi was done. "That was HORRIBLE!" He yelled at him. "F*CK YOU!" Yoongi yelled at him, his throat in so much pain it felt like it was bleeding. "WAH!" J-Hope and Namjoon yelled at Yoongi at the same time. Their job from Jin before he left was to stop Yoongi from cursing like a sailor all the time.

Jungkook's was to not starve himself a week before a comeback, if they had any.

Taehyung's was to get a dog for Yeontan, since he always talked about it.

Jimin's was to stay physically and mentally healthy.

And Yoongi's job from Jin was to not keep to himself when something was wrong, and to try his best to talk to Hoseok about it.

"You do better, then." Yoongi handed the microphone to Jimin, sitting down. "I will." Jimin stood up sassily, wiping the microphone off with his shirt, which made everyone laugh.

Jimin took a deep breath, and the second before he started to sing, the door to Namjoon's studio opened.

"What the heck is going on in here?!" Bang-PD, now their producer, asked in confusion, staring at each of the six members for a few seconds. "We're singing, hyung." Namjoon pointed the live camera away from him, out of habit. "Singing? I can hear you down the hall." Bang-PD chuckled a little. "Yeah hyung, you wanna sing Epiphany?" Jungkook smiled. "No, I'm alright." Bang-PD shook his head. "Just, keep it down."

2 Hours Later

Long story short, Bang-PD asked Namjoon about a song and he left to do 'work', so everyone else did too because it was boring without Namjoon.

So an hour after Namjoon was into his work, Yoongi decided to tell him about what has been happening recently.

"Joon-ah, it's Yoongi."

Namjoon didn't want to ignore Yoongi, but he was so deep into his work he hadn't even eaten dinner yet. "Come in!" He shouted, hoping Yoongi heard him.

"I know you're...kinda busy, but, could we talk?" Yoongi asked as he entered his studio, closing the thick door behind him. "Sure, go ahead." Namjoon replied, writing down ideas about the beat and what would work, listing pros and cons.

"So, my little space came back."

Yoongi admitted, waiting for a reaction from Namjoon before he added on. Namjoon stopped writing.

"A little while ago, when I got sick, I slipped. It was only for a short while, but now it's crossing my mind over and over, like I'm still a little. I keep having to keep myself from slipping, and I don't exactly know what to do." He explained, shifting uncomfortably from where he was standing. "I was hoping, maybe, you would...?" Yoongi trailed off nervously. Namjoon continued whatever he was doing.

"Namjoon-ssi." Yoongi said a bit louder, frusterated. "Hm?" Namjoon turned around in his chair. "What did you say, hyung?" He asked. "Basically my little space is coming back." Yoongi hated to repeat himself, and everybody knew that. "Oh..." Namjoon wasn't quite sure what he meant by that, but he was prepared. "Do you want to slip? I still have everything, and I can stop working for a while." He offered, putting his pencil down. "I'm saying I don't want to-" He really kept everything? Even his soft blankie and his favorite snacks and pacifier? Why would he keep it all?

"Hyung?" Namjoon asked when Yoongi stopped mid-sentence, his eyes falling to the floor. "I-I'm saying I don't want to slip anymore, I'm too focused on my work." Yoongi refused his little side. "One: you know it's mentally draining and bad on both sides. Two: it's not a bad thing, hyung, it's a comfort place." Namjoon listed off. "Come here." He outstretched his arms towards the elder, smiling. "Joon, I-I can't." Yoongi shook his head, crossing his arms and stepping back. "I just-" "Why did you come to your caregiver if you don't want my help?" Namjoon pointed out, smirking.

He was right...

"Come to me and just let go, hyung." Namjoon sighed, smiling softly. "I've got you." He did grabby hands to him.

Yoongi nibbled on his bottom lip for a few seconds, before giving in.

"Aw~" Namjoon smiled from ear to ear when Yoongi walked over and sat on his lap, cuddling close to him and slipping his thumb into his mouth.

"There's my good boy, my favorite little." Namjoon kissed the top of his head, turning around. Since he was shallow in little space Namjoon could get up for no longer than a minute to grab the bag behind his couch. He stood  up, carrying Yoongi in his arms, and reached behind the couch. He placed the bag down and opened it, grabbing the pacifier in there. He cleaned it with a baby wipe quickly and took Yoongi's thumb out from his mouth. "That's icky, bub, you don't want to suck on that too long." Namjoon placed the pacifier in his mouth, expecting him to giggle and reach for something else.

But he spit it out.

"Icky!" Yoongi spit the pacifier out, hitting Namjoon in the chest. He grabbed his thumb and started sucking on it again, giving a glare to the male. "Bub, it's your favorite paci." Namjoon pouted, unsure why Yoongi didn't want it. "Icky!" Yoongi repeated, squirming in Namjoon's hold. Namjoon grabbed the pacifier, using his shirt to remove the salavia before putting it in his own mouth.

It tasted like cleaning chemicals.

'Stupid Namjoon.' Namjoon thought. He had to chuckle at his stupidity, and used a paper towel to help remove the stinging 'flavor'. "Here, bub, Joonie put some magic on it! It'll give you special energy." Namjoon sat down, situating Yoongi on his left thigh and taking his thumb out. Yoongi's eyes lit up and he immediately wrapped his lips around the rubber, taking it from Namjoon's hand. He smiled from ear to ear and closed his eyes, resting his head on his shoulder. "Is my baby prince tired?" Namjoon asked, running a hand through the little's hair.

"Nu, Yoonie missed Joonie." Yoongi shook his head, throwing his arms over Namjoon's neck. "Joonie missed you too, bub." Namjoon started rubbing Yoongi's back, glad he was still comfortable with slipping around him.

"Can I cowor?"

"Of course, Yoonie, come sit on the floor and Joonie'll get you some crayons."


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