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And oh my god it hurt.

"You're doing just fine."

'Don't cry, it doesn't even hurt that bad. You're fine, don't cry.'

The physical therapist held Yoongi's hand in a comforting mannar, and asked for him to try again.

'Don't say it hurts, you're fine.'

'You've lied about pain before, this isn't different.'

Yoongi tried again, only lifting his left shoulder barely an inch before he started crying.

This pain was absolutely terrible. This hurt more than straining a muscle on stage during a Dionysus dance break. This hurt more than anything- hell this hurt more than even getting into the accident that caused his shoulder to be like this in the first place.

"I'm fine." Yoongi told the therapist, furious with himself for crying- in front of a doctor. "We can stop whenever you need to, okay? We don't want to push anything and make it worse." The therapist told him, and Suga nodded.

"I understand that."

With an excruciating pain stabbing his shoulder, Yoongi tried again. The goal was to lift his shoulder up enough to just place his hand on his thigh. You wouldn't think you need your shoulder for a lot of things, but you do.

Yoongi thought he was almost there, when he looked down to see his arm barely lifted off of his bed.


"This will take some time, Mr. Min, we might not reach our goal on the first day. Let's not get disappointed." The therapist told him, seeing his expression of pain and disappointment. "I know." Yoongi told her, trying to lift his arm again.

"F*ck." He cursed under his breath, and the therapist felt his arm go numb. "You did good, we can stop now." She told him, gently laying his arm down. Yoongi breathed a breath of relief, somehow completely exhausted.

"You should rest for a bit, and later we can try again." She told him, adjusting his shoulder along his side so he could lay down without moving it. Yoongi reached for his phone, laying down in bed with his entire left side pounding with pain.

His therapist left a few minutes after making sure Yoongi was comfortable, leaving him alone.

I thought we were
getting lamb

We were, but Jin
wanted something
else ㅋㅋㅋ

Jin Hyung
We can get whatever
you guys want

I'm good with

Jin Hyung
And the HYUNG
part matters too,
you know

I'm very bored


Hi hyung!


How are you?


Tired. Very

Jin Hyung

Then you should
sleep. ARMY
wants you to


I know, but I feel
helpless. I can't

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now