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"Can I sleep with you?"

"Yes-" "THANK YOU!" Taehyung squealed happily and hugged Jimin, kissing him all over and cuddling him. "I have to go get changed, get off." Jimin giggled, pushing Taehyung off of him. "Oh yeah?" Taehyung smirked with a pervy glance, wiggling his eyebrows. "You have a girlfriend, Tae!" Jimin yelled at him, smirking as he ventured off to his bathroom. "I know, I know." Taehyung started smiling at the thought of Naeun.

"What do you think about Yoongi hyung having to leave in two weeks? I'm sad." Jimin called out from the bathroom. Taehyung honestly couldn't help but watch him undress; he did so like he knew someone was watching and was trying to be sexy- it was working.

"I'm really gonna miss him." Taehyung sighed. "Me too...what are we gonna do when Namjoon hyung leaves? What about interviews in other countries?" Jimin thought out loud, sighing. "We might just not do English ones, but Japanese and Korean we can do. At least until he gets back, maybe...I'm not sure." Taehyung shrugged, getting under the warm covers. "What if he doesn't want to come back?"

That question had Taehyung thinking.

"What if, this is it? What if, nobody wants to come back to BTS?" Jimin asked, staring at the floor once he was done changing. "Jimin, we're always gonna be BTS, we're bulletproof forever and ever. We just might not be around each other as much. We'll stay in touch, I'm sure. But if Namjoon hyung doesn't want to come back, then...we'll cross that bridge when we get there." Taehyung told him, looking towards the bathroom. He shuffled to the left side of Jimin's bed, leaving enough room for him when he came back. "I know." Jimin looked up with his beautiful doe eyes, making contact with Taehyung and giving a soft smile.

After they were finished with their night routine Taehyung climbed on top of Jimin and laid on him, using him as a literal body pillow. Jimin grunted then laughed, keeping the striking pain inside. "You know you can't sleep on me like this, right?" Jimin smirked, moving Taehyung's hair out of his face. "Why not~?" Taehyung whined, cuddling his face into Jimin's firm chest. "Because you'll squish me! I'll suffocate!" Jimin said dramatically, 'trying' to push Taehyung off of him. "Fine." Taehyung laughed and rolled off- then suddenly Jimin shrieked and his face scrunched, obviously in pain. "You okay?" Taehyung asked, thinking he rolled onto something.

Jimin bit on his bottom lip, tears forming in his eyes as he nodded his head. "You sure?" Taehyung asked. He caught him rubbing his side, around his ribs. "Oh, are you still sore from Sanghyuk?" The younger of the two pouted and sat up, to make sure his friend was okay. Jimin nodded his head, wincing. "Sorry Jiminie, I didn't know." Taehyung was quick to apologize, watching the elder for anything worse than pain; it didn't make sense in his head, but he needed a reason to stare awkwardly at Jimin.

Making sure he was okay, Taehyung moved Jimin's hands from his side and peeked under his shirt.

At the sight of purple he pulled Jimin's shirt off, revealing a nasty bruise along his ribs.

"PARK JIMIN YOU LIED!" Taehyung yelled in his face. "IT'S NOTHING!" Jimin yelled back, holding back from wincing in pain. "You f*cking b*tch I hate you." Taehyung got up off of Jimin's bed, and for a second Jimin was about to curse him out for cursing at him- then he was defying gravity.

"Put me down, Tae!" Jimin squirmed when Taehyung picked him up. "We both know you have a broken rib, at least one, and you are going to the hospital, whether you want to or not." Taehyung spoke to him with authority, placing a hoodie over Jimin's chest to cover him while he went for some slides. "If you don't put me down right now and quit treating me like a kid-" "No." Taehyung interrupted him.

"I said put me down!" Jimin hit Taehyung in the chest when he was being taken outside. The cold night air was frozen ice against his warm skin, making him shiver. "We both know it hurts to breathe, so shut up." Taehyung fired at him and closed the front door, not struggling one bit carrying him. Jimin shut up after that, but he grumbled incoherent words while trying to put the hoodie on since his pajama shirt was on the floor of his room.

Getting into his car Taehyung put Jimin in the passenger, closing the door and going to the opposite side. "I don't need a hospital, Tae." Jimin scoffed when Taehyung sat down and closed his car door. "Then why are you still here? You could easily run back inside now." Taehyung proved his point and started the car engine. Jimin crossed his arms and looked out the tinted window, the ride turning and staying silent the entire forty-minute drive to the closest open ER.

Upon arriving they were seen quickly, due to the extensive bruising along Jimin's side. The lightest touch seemed terrible. Jimin felt like a pregnant lady, holding Taehyung's hand and crying while he got an ultrasound on his chest and side. The doctor confirmed two or three ribs were broken, and he would need surgery from the fractured one; the fractured rib slid into the one above it and penetrated straight through it.

The surgery wasn't needed immediately so Taehyung called to wake up his members while they moved Jimin to a room he could stay overnight in.

"Hey, Yoongi hyung, um-" "What the f*ck do you want?" Yoongi sighed from the other end of the phone, sounding breathless. "Jimin-" "Sorry, shouldn't have cursed." Yoongi apologized. Oddly, he sounded wide awake, even if he was 'going to bed' two hours ago. "It's fine, hyung, it's late." Taehyung shook his head. "So, Jiminie needs surgery from Sanghyuk because he lied about his pain, and I thought you should know." He told him. "Where are you?" Yoongi asked, sighing quietly. "I'm at a hospital with Jimin, he's getting moved to a different room to stay the night." Taehyung explained.

"Okay, so why did you call me-" Yoongi seemed to gasp at the end of his sentence. "Hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung asked, worry present in his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine." Yoongi's deep voice rang in Taehyung's ears. "Okay...well, I just wanted to tell you that, so when everyone else is awake you can tell them where we're at." Taehyung looked down at the floor, speaking through his black mask that covered seventy-five percent of his face. "Okay." Yoongi responded quickly.

"Are you sure you're alright, Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked one more time. "Yeah- good night, I love you." And Yoongi hung up. Taehyung found himself smiling, the elder was probably on autopilot and said it. Either way, it made him happy. He walked back inside Jimin's room and sat down, giving him the 'You b*tch' Taehyung-look.

"I'm scared." Jimin spoke up, looking at his lap, sitting upright in the white hospital bed with a baby blue stripes on it (that were hardly visible from the light shade blue). "Well, because you were stubborn and refused to get medical attention before, we're stuck here." Taehyung told him. "I know, Tae, I get it, okay? I just knew that if I made a big deal out of it I would get more death threats by his fandom for not loving him, and I just can't deal with that right now." Jimin huffed and looked away, frustrated. "I know, Jimin." Taehyung leaned back in the chair next to the bed.

A few seconds of silence later Taehyung got up onto Jimin's hispital bed and put an arm around him, making Jimin lean into him. "Sorry for cursing at you back at the dorm..." He apologized, sincerely, giving a soft kiss to Jimin's head. "It kinda hurt my feelings, but I understand I'm always in the way." Jimin looked down at his IV, watching the clear liquid run through his veins. He was looking a bit more pale than normal...

"You're not always in the way, Mimin, always is a big word." Taehyung shuffled closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, careful of his worsening ribcage. Jimin hid his face in Taehyung's chest, unsure of what to say next.

Then again, maybe there was nothing needing to say.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now