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"It started in Jimin's room?"

"Yeah, it had to. He was unconscious the longest so he forgot everything that happened the day before. Since Jungkook's room is right next to his he passed out when he tried to get ready for the day. It all kinda happened fast." Namjoon explained to Taehyung.

"Jungkook, Jimin-ah and you got it worse for some reason." Jin told him, sitting on the other side of the room from Namjoon.

What Jimin said really had made him uncomfortable.

"Is Jungkookie okay?" Taehyung asked immediately. "I'm sure he is. You three are in the ICU and everyone else is downstairs." Namjoon smiled hopefully at him. Taehyung sighed sadly and looked down.

"Tae, there was no way anybody could've known about this. Someone hacked into the system, not even HYBE knew about it until Joon-ssi called an ambulance." Jin told him, leaning over a bit. "We were on our way to go find Kookie, and when we do we'll come back and tell you." Namjoon added, glancing at Jin. "Yeah." Jin agreed. They locked eyes but Jin broke it quickly.

"Yeah, can you please go find Kookie?" Taehyung looked up at Namjoon, scared something worse would happen to him. "We will." Namjoon stood up.

"You first." Jin mumbled quietly when they both approached the door. Namjoon rolled his eyes and left first, waiting for Jin outside the room.

"Hyung, Jimin was only joking. There's no need to be all whatever you're being." Namjoon crossed his arms, a little frustrated. Jin said nothing and walked down the hallway, looking in each room for Jungkook. "Hyung? Hello?" Namjoon followed him.

He was not going to pick an argument with Jin over something so stupid and small.

"Jin!" Namjoon grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Hyung...listen to me." He quickly added the hyung so he wouldn't get in trouble and seem disrespectful. "I heard you, Namjoon-ah, I'm looking for Jungkook." Jin turned around and kept walking, turning a corner.

"Jin hyung those are the stairs-" Namjoon sighed, following behind him. "They go down, where are you going?" He asked, his voice echoing as they entered the stairwell.

"It's not what Jimin said, it's the point that he made." Jin turned around on the stair. Namjoon stopped. "I like my relationship with you- our relationship. It's goofy and fun, but it can be serious when it needs to be and that's important too. I like fooling around with you because it makes me happy, and when Jimin points every small little thing out it makes me feel like I'm in the wrong for trying to play. He made me fell like I shouldn't even make jokes because I'm the eldest and it should be someone else's job like Jungkook's, like I should only be serious with other people and it hurt my feelings because back at the dorm I was scared out of my mind, and Jimin pointed out all these things, and- my point is, is that he just hurt my feelings and I want to find Jungkook to make Taehyung happy like a good hyung." Jin turned back around to go back down the stairs. He had to stop talking or he would start crying.

"You think you're not a good hyung because you play around?" Namjoon skipped a few stairs to catch up with Jin. "That's not even a thing, everyone fools around- our parents fool around, especially with us, all the time." He tried to make him feel better. "Namjoon, just-" "HYUNG!"

Namjoon went as fast as he could down the stairs, almost tripping down them like Jin had just done, loud bangs and thuds echoing in the tall hallway as Jin's body rolled down the stairs. "Jin hyung!" Namjoon crouched down next to him on the landing between levels, his heart racing in his chest. His head was bleeding and there were already bruises. Namjoon knew not to move him since his head was bleeding, so he opened the stairway entrance and ran to find a doctor.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now