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3 Days Later

"Joonie, you have to eat." Jin sat down next to the younger at the dining table. He hadn't eaten any of his breakfast- he hadn't even moved a muscle. He just sat there, staring at his food. Like he has the past three days; he hasn't been eating or doing anything productive. He traveled back and forth from the bathroom and his bed.

"Namjoonie, come on." Jin sighed. Namjoon looked away from him, his gray hoodie covering his torso and the hood covering his head.

Namjoon had been so quiet the past three days, he barely spoke a word to anyone...everyone knew except Jungkook and Taehyung.


Taehyung came running down the hallway like a maniac. "HYUNGS HYUNGS HYUNGS!" He was jumping up and down frantically, with honest joy that made his face red. Jin chuckled, Namjoon looking over at Taehyung from how much noise he was making.

"What is it, Tae?" J-Hope giggled, Yoongi opening his eyes tiredly. Jimin sat up from the floor.


"WHO IS IT?!" Jimin stormed over angrily, pouting. "What?" Jin asked in utter surprise. "Her name is Naeun, she's a year older than me, but still- I love her so much AND SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Taehyung jumped up and down again, his phone almost falling out of his hand. He squealed, obviously ecstatic, and started blushing. "You're never going to hang out with me anymore." Jimin pouted, immediately getting jealous. "Yah me too!" Jungkook whined and ran over to see what he was talking about. "No, of course I'll still hang out with you guys- just not tonight, because WE'RE GOING ON A DATE!" Taehyung was so happy.

"Yah already?!" Jin smirked, happy Taehyung was happy. He hadn't paid attention to the name. "YES!" Taehyung squealed and ran around in happy circles. "That's so great, Taehyungie." Yoongi smiled happily. He placed his head back down on J-Hope's lap, going back to sleep soon. J-Hope chuckled at Yoongi's cute actions, kissing the top of his head gently.

"I'll help you pick out something nice!" Jimin cheered and dragged Taehyung to his room.

"But I already have-" "You look sexy as hell in this." Jimin dug through Taehyung's closet and grabbed a gray suit hanging up. "As your bisexual bestie, wear this." He handed it to him. "I don't-" "Trust me, Tae, if I hadn't loved Yoongi hyung I would've fallen for you. Now wear that suit, because it looks super good on you." Jimin started looking for shoes.

"No, no, no- hyungie wear this!" Jungkook ran in front of Taehyung, holding a pair of black slacks and a gray sweater. "This is better." He smirked at Jimin's cute huff of annoyance. "I-" "Mine is better, shut it, Kookie." Jimin jokingly threw his outfit on the floor. Jungkook pouted, but unhurt. "Suits are classic. She will want you to wear something casual, you always choose comfort over anything." Jungkook turned to Taehyung. "We all know you don't like tight clothing, your body too, so I think you should wear anything but jeans and a suit." He suggested.

"That-" "No, mine's more professional!" Jimin playfully pushed Jungkook away. "Which is why it's the wrong choice! The first date should be casual, and relaxed." Jungkook scoffed jokingly. "Let me speak!" Taehyung yelled before Jimin said something. "I already have something picked out..." He grabbed something from the very back of his closet.

"I've never seen that before!" Jungkook pouted at the red long-sleeve knitted shirt and gray sweatpants. "Oh..." Jimin went serious. "Yeah, wear that." He agreed in a soft tone. "Yeah...I hope it still fits me." Taehyung chuckled nervously. "Where's it from, hyung?" Jungkook asked, curiously.

"His grandma knitted that for him when he was a teenager...she said for him to wear it when he meets the woman he wants to marry." Jimin explained, looking at the sweater. "Oh..." Jungkook's playful attitude faded. "Yeah, maybe you should wear that instead." He gave a soft smile to Taehyung. Taehyung smiled back and skipped off to his bathroom to see if the sweater still fit him.

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