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"How do we find Yoongi hyung if he doesn't have his phone?" Namjoon questioned outloud. "If we were Yoongi, where would we be..." J-Hope closed his eyes. "At a bar, trying to drink away the sadness of a heartbreak." Taehyung called out. "No, Jimin, we all know Yoongi hyung doesn't like to go to bars." Namjoon shook his head. "So he'll be at one, trying to get in trouble or something." Taehyung suggested. "No, he wouldn't-" "On top of a building, about to jump off." J-Hope cut off Namjoon. "HYBE, it's the tallest building we can visit. He could be there." He thought. "No, he left HYBE, remember? You can only get onto the roof from the inside." Taehyung shook his head.

"Maybe he went to a bar and-" "He didn't go to a bar, Tae, he's missing at this point. He could be kidnapped for all we know." J-Hope interrupted him, sighing. "Wouldn't it be adult-napping though?" Namjoon asked. "No, hyung..." Taehyung chuckled a little.

"The park, he went to the park-" J-Hope gasped at the realization. "Our first date, we went to the park, and he wanted to- the park, he has to be there." He turned towards the front door. "That's not in walking distance-" "From HYBE, it is. Come on." And as much as it would hurt J-Hope to go to that damned park again, he would do it in a heartbeat if it meant he could find Yoongi and know he was okay.

30 Minutes Later

Unguarded, the members were wandering through the park, occasionally smiling at the small children that waved at them- Taehyung stopped to pet a dog that was being walked by a couple, and Namjoon stopped to take a park selfie with the huge tree in the middle, so they weren't exactly frantically looking like J-Hope was.

Traveling across the medium park J-Hope got onto the path they walked on their first date, the memories of them with ice cream and Yoongi flinching because of a freaking leaf began tracing back. Two years, almost...

"Yoongi?" J-Hope called out when he looked under the bridge. On their first date when they crossed a bridge over a valley of rocks, Yoongi said if he was in a bad state of mind still, he would've jumped down off the bridge. It wasn't a huge, tall one, just a simple stone one over the tiniest little stream, but it was dangerous to jump down eight feet because of the huge rocks under it; why there was a bridge there.

Yoongi was sitting on the ledge, drinking something that looked like soda from a distance. "There you are! Where have you been?! Your phone was gone, you're here without it- you left saying you wanted water, two days ago! Basically- why are you here?" J-Hope sighed gratefully, glad Yoongi was alright. "You know why I'm here, Ho-bi." Yoongi hiccuped between the nickname, and it would've been super cute if it wasn't the hint he was drunk.

"Come down, you'll fall and get hurt." J-Hope shook his head and walked closer, grabbing Yoongi gently by the waist to pull him back. "I don't want to see you." Yoongi huffed and let J-Hope take him away, unconscious of what he was saying and what was happening. "You shouldn't be drinking in public- especially a freaking park, hyung, there are children here, a lot of them." J-Hope told him, successfully taking him away from the bridge edge. "Eh." Yoongi mumbled.

"Come on, you need to get home-" "Hey, what are you doing?" A stranger walked onto the bridge with a bottle of alcohol in his hand, looking at J-Hope like he was about to beat the sh*t out of him. "Taking my friend home, he's not feeling well." J-Hope was thinking the guy thought he was kidnapping Yoongi, but he just wanted to take him home and wrap him in bubble wrap- he still loved him, he always would and couldn't help it, but it was over.

"No, you're not, he's coming home with me."

And that was a red flag for J-Hope to get out of there. "Sorry, he knows me." J-Hope cocked his head and helped Yoongi stand, grabbing his hand. "You-" "Baby~" Yoongi hiccuped again before reaching out to the random man. "Yoongi hyung, stop it." J-Hope cringed and tried to pull Yoongi away. "Get your f*cking hands off my boyfriend, you f*cking b*tch." The man walked over and grabbed Yoongi's hand, and Yoongi let go of J-Hope to hug the man.

Yoongi might be one to cuddle when intoxicated, but not like this. Something bad was wrong. "Don't, he's my friend." J-Hope grabbed Yoongi's hand. "Hobi, 'e my fwiend." Yoongi slurred and slapped J-Hope's hand off of him, cuddling his face into the man's chest. "No, he's not." J-Hope unlocked his phone and texted the group chat so his members could help him out (calling reinforcements).

"Mhm." Yoongi hummed like he would when he was too lazy to use words, like he was content with life enough to skip words. "Let him go." J-Hope stared into the male's eyes. "Now."

"You're not taking him from me. Come on, babe." The man slid an arm around Yoongi and turned to walk away- and Yoongi followed, hugging him seemingly happily.

Usually when Yoongi started drinking his eyes got glossy like he would cry, but his pupils would actually get slightly thinner rather than dilate like most people. They were dilated when Yoongi glanced back at J-Hope- and the only time J-Hope's seen Yoongi's eyes dilated, is during sex and when he was sick. Maybe he wasn't drunk at all...maybe he was-

J-Hope tackled the random stranger and pulled Yoongi away from him, then he heard Taehyung yell his name behind him. "Hobi, let go!" Yoongi whined and stomped on his foot, running back to the stranger. His mind was mixing things up. "I won't hesitate to punch you, b*tch-" "Why do you have him? Where is he going in two weeks? When is his birthday?" J-Hope immediately questioned him. "If you can answer the last two questions then you can have him." He told him. "And this one: who's his recent ex?" He asked.

"Look man, I'm not playing games. We just met at a bar and he said he's going through a breakup and wanted to find someone who will f*ck him like his ex, and from my relationships, I'll do better than that fagot ever could. So while I went to get sh*t he waited here, and I come back to this. I might've just met the dude, but I'm not letting him go home with a stranger who he doesn't know-" "First of all, I am his ex. And my name is Hoseok, and he calls me Hobi, and he's said it three times just now. So I suggest you give him back right now, or things aren't going to turn out well for you." J-Hope threatened, his hands clenching into fists.

"You probably abused him by the look in your eye, so you know what, dude, f*ck you and your sh*t dick- you couldn't even please him. Go f*ck yourself and find someone as toxic as you, b*tch." The man kissed Yoongi's head and started walking away.

And J-Hope was so pissed, he was a type of anger he has never felt before, with a type of hatred for someone he hasn't had before- all he knew happened was he tackled the stranger, and saw a large blob fall over the side of the bridge.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now