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J-Hope could barely feel Jin's pulse when Bang Sihyuk arrived with a few vans to take them to the hospital. Jimin was crying, he knew he should've gotten gas last time he went in his own car. The car had given out four miles away from the hospital, which Yoongi desperately called Bang-PD for help. Namjoon and Jungkook were in one van, Taehyung comforting Jimin in another, and Jin, J-Hope and Yoongi with Bang-PD.

When they reached the hospital, J-Hope was struggling to find a pulse. Jin was over salivating as a sign of dehydration and that he was still unconscious. He was shaking slightly, and still bleeding all over J-Hope.

Everyone rushed in, Yoongi pulling the hood of J-Hope's jacket over his head in attempt to hide him. Nurses and doctors ran over to J-Hope and Jin, taking Jin from him and placing him down on the closest bed. They rushed to hydrate him, and asked Bang-PD what Jin's blood type was.

"O, same as me." Yoongi chimed in. J-Hope looked down at his shirt and pants, to see they were covered in dark blood. He's never panicked so much in his life, he started breathing rapidly and began to cry, his eyes stuck on the blood on him.

"Can you dona-" "Yes." Yoongi cut her off, no one else was O type except him and Jin. Yoongi was sat down next to where Jin was, and a nurse came over and quickly sanitized his arm to insert a needle into him. He looked over at J-Hope and saw him panicking, everyone else was looking at Jin and making sure they wouldn't be noticed by ARMY.

Yoongi winced when he felt a sharp pain in his arm, and saw a needle sink into his skin. He saw the nurse looking down at the marks on his arm and wrist, and looked away. The pain in that specific arm was making him think sad things, and he shouldn't right now.

"He's going into hypovolemic shock!"

Yoongi looked over in horror to see a flat line and Jin's body twitching randomly. He felt he was going to throw up from being so nervous. Jin was shocked, but his heart didn't start beating again.

J-Hope was officially having an anxiety attack.

The nurse told him to hold a square of gauze over the mark that was on his arm from the needle, and went over to give his blood to Jin. She took a lot, so he would have to sit down for a while.

But it was freaking him out that J-Hope was freaking out. He wasn't gasping or crying loudly like some people did, he was having a silent attack- like Yoongi. Everyone had their attention on something else, they weren't even looking for J-Hope.

Yoongi was about to force himself up, but a nurse finally found him panicking and placed a hand on his shoulder- or she just noticed how he was covered in blood.

"Just take some deep breaths with me, just focus on my breathing, okay?" She looked J-Hope in the eye and took a deep breath slowly. J-Hope really felt he would pass out, he's never had something like this happen to him before, and he just didn't know what to do. His lungs felt stuck, his chest felt tight and his limbs were tingling for some reason. All he could do was keep breathing in and out frantically. He kept telling himself to calm down and stop acting like this, but it didn't seem to be doing much.

Yoongi felt a little dizzy, but he felt better when he saw Jin breathing again. He was still knocked out cold. "Hyungie..." He mumbled out of relief, leaning back against the chair.

"Jin hyung!" Namjoon cheered and ran over, but the nurses kept him back. "We still need to stitch up his arm, please stay back." He told him and gently pushed Namjoon back.

J-Hope started to cry which made Jimin turn around, and his eyes went big when he saw him. "Hyung?" He asked and ran over, cupping J-Hope's cheeks in his hands and looking in his eyes. Jimin quickly grasped onto the situation and knew what to do.

Well, he knew what to do with Yoongi, not J-Hope- because attacks were different for everyone.

He did, though, manage to calm J-Hope down, but Yoongi could see him looking at him a lot.

"We have some gowns you can wear, let's get you changed out of these clothes." The nurse smiled warmly at J-Hope. "C-can he come with me?"

Jimin pouted when he pointed to Yoongi.

"He's the one who gave blood I'm sure, he needs to sit down a while." She told him. "I'll come with you, hyung." Jimin told him. J-Hope nodded and walked off with the nurse, Jimin following behind.

Yoongi watched J-Hope disappear around a corner, and looked over just in time to see Jin open his eyes.

"Jin-!" "Sir, can you hear me?" The nurse shushed Taehyung. Jin groaned and looked up, a light feeling in his head. He nodded, there was a strong pain on his right side so he looked down to see his arm re-stitched.

What happened?

Yoongi smiled. He finally did something right, after twenty-seven f*cking years.

One thing right.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now