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"Jungkook, why would you yell at him?"

"I was shocked! I'm sorry for having reactions he wasn't expecting!"

"Jungkook, he's your hyung!"

"So?! You guys are rude to each other all the time, why am I so different?!"

"You're not different, Kookie, just-"

"If V hyung didn't want a negative reaction than he should've just kept his mouth shut!"

Taehyung cradled himself in the bathroom, close enough to Jungkook's room to hear everything being said. He texted Jimin to tell him what happened, but he couldn't say it to his face because it would make him feel too pathetic.



"Just, take a breath."

"You take a breath, hyung."

"Hey, Hobi?"

Yoongi kept his eyes on the TV screen, watching the movie J-Hope had picked out. J-Hope hummed, his body pressed comfortably against Yoongi's in his lover's room. "Can you, um...do something for me?" Yoongi's arms were around the pillow under him comfortably, so he started to fiddle with the case a little. His knees were bent up to his stomach so J-Hope could spoon him. "What is it, hyung?" J-Hope looked over Yoongi's shoulder since they were both on their sides watching the TV.

"Can you, um, maybe..." Yoongi knew he should open up to J-Hope. "Can you...can you put your hand in my hair?" He asked, fiddling with the sheets of his bed nervously. "Like this?" J-Hope reached up and threaded his fingers through Yoongi's brown hair. "Mhm." Yoongi closed his eyes, taking in the relaxing feeling. He used to hate this, and he didn't know why he suddenly wanted it now.

Was it the anxiety that's been rising recently? Maybe...

Yoongi hummed in content, completely ignoring the movie now. He felt suddenly sleepy. J-Hope watched the movie and played with Yoongi's hair a little, twirling a few strands around his fingers occasionally. Yoongi was about to fall asleep, when-


J-Hope turned around, Yoongi jolted a little since the room had been quiet a while. "Oh, hey, Taehyung-ssi." J-Hope smiled at the second youngest. "C-can I stay with you guys for a li-ttle?" Taehyung closed the door since he got the relaxed feeling in the room. "Yeah, sure." J-Hope looked over at Yoongi, chuckling a little since his eyes were half open. "Thank you." Taehyung walked closer to the couple and sat down by J-Hope's feet on Yoongi's bed. Yoongi was too tired to scold him for sitting on his bed.

"Tae, what's wrong?" J-Hope looked over at him once Yoongi fell asleep. His eyes were red and puffy like he's been crying. "Jungkookie hates me like everyone else younger than me." Taehyung curled his knees up to his chest and hid his face in them. "Children don't hate you- ARMY doesn't hate you." J-Hope moved closer to him to comfort him. "Not all of them are younger than me." Taehyung mumbled to himself. "Exactly, so not everybody younger than you hates you." J-Hope sat next to him, Yoongi completely unconscious in a deep sleep on the left side of the bed. "Beomgyu-ssi doesn't hate you, Yeonjun-ssi doesn't hate you, Soobin-ssi doesn't ha-" "Yes they do because they don't talk to me anymore! They are branching off just like Jungkookie, and my s-sister and my brother!" Taehyung interrupted him, sadness overtaking his mind and body.

"What happened, Tae?"

"And yes, Jeongguk, Taehyung is your hyung, but he is also your friend, your coworker, your inspiration- and I understand having negative reactions but you should also know that your relationship with Taehyung-ah is so much more special than our relationship with him. You know how sensative he can be, and you hurt him at his most vulnerable time, which makes you a complete dick. Yes you have the right to pop off on him and yell at him, but not giving him the chance to even explain is even more of a dick move. Taehyung-ah was trying to talk to you, and you totally destroyed his feelings- he is in that bathroom right now crying his eyes out because he is genuinely terrified of you dropping out on him like we all know his siblings did. You have a position in Taehyung's life that helps keep him going, and what you just did was complete sh*t."

Namjoon watched Jimin pop off on Jungkook from the maknae's doorway, Jin standing next to him and watching as well. Jungkook sat on his bed, unamused and pretending like he didn't care.

"Okay, and what if Taehyung-ah is gay or bisexual or pansexual and loves you more than what your relationship is right now? If he did, goddamn it Jeongguk you just killed him, and you would never know anything about it because he thinks you hate his guts which is one of his worst fears- and the fact you aren't even PAYING ATTENTION to me at all right now is pissing me off!" Jimin suddenly shouted at him, making Jungkook flinch and look at him. "And Jeongguk you have the same right as any one of us to get mad or fight with someone in this band, and yes even Taehyung-ah, but the fact that you hit him for no reason is beyond what I will say to you because I still love you, I just dislike you right now." Jimin sighed. "I never hit him!" Jungkook yelled at him. "Then explain the f*cking red handprint on Taehyung's cheek! No one else here was mad at him to even think of hitting him!" Jimin shouted. "And you know what else you did sucked? Not only that you slapped him across the fact but that he's not crying over that, he's crying about the fact he might not ever get to hug you again, he doesn't even care that you hurt him, he only cares about having you in his life- which is completely messed up." He told him, looking directly in the maknae's eyes.

"Now excuse me to go fix something you caused." Jimin stormed out of the room, squeezing past Namjoon and Jin.

"Jimin-ssi pretty much cleared things up, do you want to make a cake with me?" Jin looked at Namjoon. "You want me in the kitchen?" Namjoon laughed at the thought. "I didn't say you would be cooking or baking. I will do all that and you can decorate the cake if you want to." Jin ventured off for the kitchen. Namjoon followed curiously.


Jin turned around from the oven. "You haven't even been in here ten seconds what did you-" "I stubbed my toe." Namjoon winced and held his foot painfully. "You know what this was a bad idea- shoo!" Jin ushered him out of the kitchen. "But hyung, I-" "Go on, I don't want you getting hurt." Jin went back into the kitchen.

Namjoon smacked Jin's butt hard and ran away, giggling like a little girl.

"YAH!" Jin grabbed a wooden spoon and chased after him.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now