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Jimin was scared when he heard Namjoon yell, both Jungkook and Taehyung popped their heads out of their rooms in shock. "What?" Jimin asked, walking down the hall to Namjoon; he was by the front door. "You really didn't have the decency to warm me about this-" Namjoon handed Jimin a box. "What are you talking about?" Jimin asked in a small voice, taking the box and opening it.

It was the package Taehyung ordered.

"Taehyung did it!" Jimin called out. "What did I do?" Taehyung asked with a confused expression. "You got me in trouble!" Jimin handed Taehyung the box. The younger looked inside. "Oh- I ordered it from Jimin's phone, he could've cancelled it at any time." Taehyung glared at Jimin. "You can't cancel an order when it's already on the way!" Jimin whined.

"And it's not for me." He looked at Namjoon. "Oh? Really? Then who is it for?" Namjoon asked. "Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung." Jimin smirked. "Why?" Namjoon questioned. "Yoongi hyung needs a laugh, Hoseok hyung too." Jimin took out the large white vibrator. "Trust me, he's going to like it." He looked around for the other object. "And this shirt!" He placed the box down and held up the shirt.

The front red: "F*ck you" and the back said "Nevermind, f*ck me, I'll like it."

"This one's for Hoseok hyung because he's fully gay." Jimin placed that one down and picked up another one. "This one is for Yoongi hyung." He held it up.

"The world has more problems than boys kissing boys and girls kissing girls" The shirt read in the pansexual colors.

"I also got Hoseok hyung this one." Jimin picked up the rainbow vibrator. Namjoon's eyes widened. "I wasn't sure which one to get him, so I got him this one too." He held up a rainbow dildo. "Anyway, I think they'll both like it a lot." Jimin smiled like he was innocent.

"Jimin, that is- that's so wrong on so many levels." Namjoon face-palmed. "It's the thought that counts." Jimin smiled. "And Yoongi's demisexual, you'll probably freak him out if you give him that." Namjoon sighed in visible disappointment. "Eh, Yoongi hyung loves me, it'll be fine~" Jimin giggled, placing things back in the box and scurrying off to his own room.

Namjoon couldn't believe this actually happened. This is something he'd expect to see in a BTS fanfiction- that's how stupid and surprised he was.

"Jiminie, you didn't show them what I got you!"

"What did you get me?" Jimin asked, turning around. "The white one is for you, the blue, yellow, and pink one is for Yoongi hyung because that's his flag." Taehyung sighed. "Oh~" Jimin dug through the Amazon box. "Here it is." He held up a yellow, pink, and blue colored vibrator. "It looks cool." He giggled, placing it back in the box and running away.

"Be the leader, they said, it'll be fun, they said..."

"What did they do now?" Jin walked in, laughing at Namjoon's statement. "So many things." Namjoon shook his head, but he couldn't help but laugh. "Taehyung-ssi!" Jin called out. "Jimin and Taehyung bought adult stuff for Yoongi and Hoseok." Namjoon hid his face in his hands.

"Why?!" Jin bursted out laughing. "I don't know!" Namjoon looked around for the 95-liners, but they were both long gone. "Isn't Yoongi-ya demisexual?" Jin looked over at Namjoon. "My point exactly." Namjoon sighed when his phone rung. "Yep, there's manager-nim." He answered, Jin walking off to try and find Jimin and Taehyung.

"Oh- there's Hobi." Jin found J-Hope in his room, completely passed out and sprawled out on his bed. His hair was messy and he wasn't even changed in his pajamas. He shook his head and closed the door, not wanting Vmin to awaken him yet.

"Yah!" He found Jimin running from Taehyung down the hallway, moving out of the way so he wouldn't run into him. "Sorry, hyung!" Jimin ran into Jungkook's room. "Come back here!" Jin raced after Taehyung.

"JUNGKOOKIE TAEHYUNG HAS A-" Taehyung tackled Jimin to the floor, placing his hand over his mouth and climbing on top of him. Jimin tried to finish his sentence but it was all gibberish. "Yah let him go!" Jin pulled Taehyung off of Jimin.


"WHAT THE HELL, JIMIN!" Taehyung yelled at him. Jungkook sat awkwardly on his bed, his phone on his lap as he looked between Taehyung and Jimin in silence. "I DO NOT WOULD YOU STOP SAYING THA-" "YES YOU DO! YOU TOLD ME!" Jimin cut him off. "I am not in this." Jungkook hid his face in his phone awkwardly, slouching down into his bed. "YOU LITERALLY TOLD ME!" Jimin stood up from the floor. "YEAH BECAUSE YOU'RE MY SOULMATE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KEEP MY SECRETS!"

"Tae, you just-"

"HA! SEE?! I AM RIGHT!" Jimin did a celebration dance. "Shut it!" Taehyung crossed his arms. "Well I was just keeping my say, because YOU invaded Yoongi hyung's privacy so you needed punished." Jimin crossed his arms as well. "What did you do?" Jin asked him. "Nothi-" "He found Yoongi hyung's journal and read it." Jimin called him out. "I no longer trust you with anything." Taehyung pouted, blushing because he knew Jungkook was staring at him. "Thank you." Jimin smiled at him.

"Drama with Bangtan." Jungkook giggled. "You know what, let's talk about you- how come you suddenly started texting in our group chat?" Jimin turned around to face Jungkook. "PD-Nim told me it's important to communicate with my members, so I-" "You got in trouble!" Jimin laughed loudly. "You have no room to speak, you came first when Yoongi hyung and you were doing gay sh*t!" Taehyung pointed out. "Oop that is true." Jungkook agreed. "I DID NOT!" Jimin hit Taehyung's arm. "YOONGI HYUNG DOES NOT LIE!" Taehyung teased. "At least I admit to being bisexual." Jimin stuck his tongue out at him.

Jin pretended to sip his fake cup of tea, standing in the doorway watching it all unfold.

"I'm leaving." Taehyung turned around. "I win!" Jimin threw his hands in the air. "You forget, Jungkookie and I are the all knowing and the all seeing!" He giggled in victory. Taehyung left.

"What Taehyung did say is true, Yoongi said you came first and he doesn't lie." Jin turned away to leave. "I, DID, NOT!" Jimin threw one of Jungkook's hoodies at him. "HEY THAT IS MY FAVORITE HOODIE!" Jungkook got up quickly and snatched his hoodie from Jimin. "You really wanna say that the demisexual one of the group came first?" Jin looked at Jimin. "YES!" Jimin crossed his arms.



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