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3 Days Later

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook bursted in Taehyung's room, running over and jumping on him. "Ow, Kook!" Taehyung groaned, half asleep. "HYUNG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Jungkook hugged him tightly.

The other members rushed in, tackling Taehyung on his bed.

"Tae Tae!" Jimin squealed happily, jumping up next to him and hugging his chest. "Can't breathe!" Taehyung tried to escape. Jimin and Jungkook let go long enough to let Taehyung sit up, then they tackled him again.

"Taehyungie!" J-Hope hugged him tight. "You act like I died or something!" Taehyung laughed. "It's been two weeks!" Jin smiled. "Well I need a shower." Taehyung tried to move Jimin and Jungkook off of him. "We can all shower together." Jungkook snuggled closer to Taehyung, obviously joking. "Wouldn't that be Jimin cheating on Yoongi hyung?" J-Hope questioned. "Not unless they do anything." Yoongi looked at Jimin, making him blush. "Perv!" Jimin stuck his tongue out at him. Yoongi laughed.

"Lemme go!" Taehyung whined out, stuck between Jimin and Jungkook. "No, I'm going to shower with you." Jimin smirked. "Me too." Jungkook held on tighter. "Oh come on!" Taehyung squirmed out of Jimin and Jungkook's grasp. "I'd rather shower alone anyway." Taehyung laughed, standing up. "Oh come on! Even Yoongi hyung missed you! Your shower can wait!" Namjoon smiled at him. "You missed me?" Taehyung teased, looking at Yoongi. "Only a little!" Yoongi pouted. "No, you missed me 100%." Taehyung giggled. Yoongi did no further protesting, only looking away with a pout.

"We can make a celebratory breakfast!" Jungkook smiled and ran out of the room. "Oh yes, Taehyung- when we disband, stay in touch with Jungkook." Jin looked up at Taehyung. "He started cooking a few days into your quarentine, he has weeks worth of food pre-made." He explained. "He stress-cooked." J-Hope laughed. "Well, at least we know he can survive on his own." Taehyung joked. "True." Namjoon nodded.

While Taehyung was in the shower, the other members went into the kitchen to help make a cool breakfast. Namjoon ran a group vlive, happy to 'see' ARMY again. Except for Yoongi and J-Hope, they weren't in the mood to cook- which was weird, because J-Hope was usually on vlive duty when they did this.

The two sat awkwardly on Taehyung's bed, Yoongi on his phone while J-Hope stared at him. Since Jimin and him got together, Jimin was Yoongi's new safe place. The blue dog on Yoongi's wrist was gone, getting replaced by a yellow dog to represent Chimmy. Yoongi hasn't cut since Jimin drew the yellow dog on his arm, and it hurt J-Hope more than he thought it would.

Maybe Jimin was just better than him. Maybe Jimin really made him happy. Maybe Jimin was what Yoongi really needed.

But...he knew he still had a different connection with Yoongi. It was still there, even if it didn't feel like it anymore. Yoongi wouldn't let Jimin pet his hair or let him hold him, it was still only J-Hope who could do that. He still had his special touch- right? That special connection was still valid. Right?

"Hobi." Yoongi looked up, seeing J-Hope staring at him. "You're staring at me." He chuckled nervously. "O-oh, I'm sorry." J-Hope looked around for his phone to avoid further conversation. "What's up with you? You've been spacing out a lot recently." Yoongi turned off his phone. "Just tired- I can't find my phone!" J-Hope laughed nervously. "Still- even when you're tired you do well at hiding it. Something's wrong." Yoongi's voice softened near the end.

"I'm really oka-" "And you're not acting as positive as before. You always love to hold the camera for vlive, but you're just sitting in Taehyung's room, away from everybody." Yoongi pointed out. J-Hope didn't know what to say, it was true.

"You've been acting off since Jimin-ah and I started dating." Yoongi looked back at J-Hope. "Does that have to do with anything?" He asked cautiously. He couldn't read J-Hope's expression.

"No." J-Hope quickly responded, looking down. "You're a bad liar, Hoseok-ah." Yoongi chuckled. "What's wrong?" He asked, moving closer to J-Hope.

J-Hope looked into his eyes, but Yoongi could see pain in his eyes. Something was definitely wrong.

"I can't say around you." J-Hope looked away, playing with his fingers nervously. "Do you not like Jimin and I being together?" Yoongi asked, without a hint of anger.

He didn't want J-Hope to be in pain.

"No, it's nothing like that." J-Hope quickly said, perking up. "It's just..." He awkwardly made eye contact again, biting his lip.

'Of course I don't like Jimin being with you, because I want to be with you...but I can't say that, I'm being stupid.' J-Hope thought.

"I just can't tell you." He finished. "But it's nothing bad, I'm okay, I promise." He smiled at Yoongi, standing up. "No, sit." Yoongi grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. "I told you a sh*t ton of stuff when I was feeling bad, so you have to as well. Tell me." He explained, holding J-Hope's hand. "I can't hyung- plus, you needed to vent." J-Hope pulled away.

That's the first.

"Tell me, now." Yoongi grabbed his hand again. "No-" "Why?" He cut him off. "Because, it'll hurt you." J-Hope ripped himself away and left the room.

Yoongi huffed and flowed after him, desperate to know what could possibly be making J-Hope like this.

"Hobi, get back here!" He yelled throughout the living room, seriously. "Hyung it's ARMY~" Jimin stopped him, smiling at the camera. Yoongi smiled.

J-Hope hid in his room, closing the door and sliding down in with a heavy sigh.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now