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"May I see Sanghyuk from VIXX?"

"Who might you be?"

"Jeon Jeongguk, ma'am."

"I need to see an ID before I let you inside."

"Of course."

Jungkook handed the woman his ID, and waited impatiently for her to clear him.

"He should be practicing in the practice rooms, just down that hall."

"Thank you."

Jungkook slid his ID back in his wallet and walked down the hallway the woman pointed to. Jellyfish Entertainment was much smaller than HYBE, but interior design wasn't what Jungkook was there for.

He heard some music coming from one of the dance studio's, and peeked through the glass window on the door.


Jungkook knocked on the door, loudly, hopeful Sanghyuk would be the one to open the door. The music stopped, and Jungkook's heart started beating faster. He wasn't even sure what he would say or do. He wanted to punch him in the face but what Namjoon said really stuck to him. It would be worse on his part if he hit first...

"Is this real?"

"Hi, I'm looking for someone named Sanghyuk...do you know where he could be, by any chance?" Jungkook asked the male standing in front of him. He must know him, because it looked like he was panicking on the inside. "He's in here...why do you want to see him?"

Jungkook peeked over the male's shoulder and saw Sanghyuk staring right at him.

"May I see him?" He asked, avoiding the question. "Sanghyuk-ssi!" The male turned around and yelled for him. "Come here."

"Jungkook..." Sanghyuk immediately got nervous. 'Jimin probably sent him...why?' He thought to himself. "Hi, hyung." Jungkook bowed and smiled at Sanghyuk. "May I talk to you for just a second? If not, it's okay, I can wait." He gave his signature bunny smile, to fool Sanghyuk in thinking nothing bad was going to happen. "Sure, I have a few minutes..." Sanghyuk glanced at his choreographer, and he nodded, so he stepped out into the hallway. The other male closed the door and walked off, and immediately Jungkook's smile dropped from his face.

"So you think it's okay to hurt my Jimin hyung because he doesn't love you? You thought you would've gotten away with it, huh?" He snapped at him, making Sanghyuk's eyes widen. "Yeah, he told me all about how you hurt him, I saw the bruise on his chest. Everyone else didn't want to confront you because they didn't want anything to start. But I won't have an abusive guy like you walking around, when my Jimin hyung is at home crying." Jungkook grabbed Sanghyuk's collar and shoved him into the wall, just as their music from inside of the room began. Sanghyuk groaned in pain from the force Jungkook had.

"And you won't even say anything to me, because you know that I'm right. You don't hurt someone because they don't love you- and even if Jimin hyung had some other feelings for you, they're all gone now, because you revealed who you really were to him already." Jungkook's breath was right on Sanghyuk's face, leaving a small gap between them while Jungkook stared at him with a piercing glare. "And we both know life isn't fair, it sucks, and there's just some rude and disgusting people out there that just continously tear you down. Well, let me tell you something." Jungkook yanked Sanghyuk's collar closer to his face, cutting off his air way temporarily. "You are part of those group of people. And because life isn't fair, there are some parts that are. And this is one of those parts, because I'm going to make you feel the same pain my Jimin hyung does right now."

"J-Jungkook, I can't-" Sanghyuk gasped for air, reaching up frantically for Jungkook's hands that were around his neck. Jungkook let go of him and let him drop to the floor. "I'm gonna make you feel everything Jimin hyung does, without even punching you." Jungkook again grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed him into the wall, making him hit his head. Sanghyuk yelled in pain and pushed Jungkook off of him, trying to get a sense of balance. "Fight me, Sanghyuk. Because I have pictures of what you did to Jimin hyung, and when I show your manager and mine, you're gonna be in such deep sh*t, you're gonna wish you never fell in love with him." Jungkook had a smile on his face the entire time, but not a happy one. "Shut up, you won't do anything." Sanghyuk glared at him, trying to catch his breath. "You want to bet on that?" Jungkook asked, pulling out his phone. "I'll go show your members right now." He smirked, giving Sanghyuk a glance of a horrible bruise on his phone and turning around towards the dance studio.

Sanghyuk grabbed Jungkook by the hair and threw him onto the floor, hitting him in the face and taking his phone from him. "You won't do sh*t," He held the phone in his hands, and snapped the entire thing in half. "Without proof."

Jungkook punched Sanghyuk in the face and shoved him next to him, climbing ontop of him with blood dripping onto the floor from Sanghyuk's nose. "Oh just wait until your manager sees this picture." Jungkook pinned Sanghyuk down and grabbed his phone, opening it back up. "I don't expect you to know my phone can fold, you dumb a*s. Thanks for the aggression, because now, when someone comes to separate us, I won't be lying when I say you hit first." He chuckled a little, but it only lasted a few seconds before Sanghyuk kneed Jungkook in his back, kicking him off of him.

Jungkook landed on the ground with a loud grunt, stars flying around the blue hallway. The hallway was carpeted, but it didn't do much in this situation.

Sanghyuk kicked Jungkook in the crotch and yanked him up onto his feet, doing what he did and slamming him into the wall. Jungkook screamed in agonizing pain, causing the door to open to the dance studio.


Sanghyuk's members ran out of the practice room and pulled him away from Jungkook, making the younger fall to the floor limply. The choreographer ran out and called for help, unsure what had happened. "Jeon Jeongguk?! What are you doing here?!" Taekwoon was taken by surprise at the sight of the famous male, rushing to his side instead of his own band mate's. "What happened, Sanghyuk?!" Hongbin asked as he spotted the blood on his face. "He punched me." Jungkook told them, placing his hands between his legs from the electrifying pain zapping his lower half, constantly. "W-well, he kicked me." He added, closing his eyes and wincing.

"Sanghyuk, what the hell?!" Hongbin yelled at the younger, smacking his arm.

"What happened?!" Shinwoo ran down the hall with some staff behind him. "Jeon Jeongguk?!" He froze at the injured male in his building. "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to hit Sanghyuk hyung that hard." Jungkook apologized in his sweet voice, pouting. "After he kicked me it was a reflex-" "You did WHAT?!" Shinwoo turned to Sanghyuk, who's nose was no longer bleeding, but dried blood down his chin and neck was evidence it previously was. "Did he hit you first?" Taekwoon asked Jungkook. "Yeah." Jungkook nodded, telling the truth.

Namjoon Focus

"And he said his safe word which makes me HORRIBLE person, and he's probably NEVER gonna let me even kiss him again, it's ALL over and I'm-" "Hoseok, stop." Namjoon interrupted a sobbing J-Hope, helping him sit down on his bed before he collapsed. "From what Yoongi hyung said, I doubt everything you're thinking is going to happen." He told him, placing a hand on his back.

Right before J-Hope was about to say something, Namjoon's phone rang with an incoming call from their manager. "Please don't be about Jungkook..." Namjoon whispered to himself as he answered, placing the phone to his ear.

"Jungkook just got attacked by someone from Jellyfish Entertainment, I need you and your members to get down to the studio so we can figure out exactly what happened, asap, please." Their manager's voice rang in Namjoon's ears. "Yes sir, we're on our way..."

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