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- 3 Weeks Later -

Yoongi wiped the sweat off of his hands on his thighs, and cleared his throat. Why was he so nervous?!

He opened Namjoon's door, and saw the younger laying on his back on his bed, reading a book. Classic Namjoon.

"Namjoon, do you have a minute?" Yoongi almost studdered. Namjoon looked over at Yoongi, standing in his doorway. "Oh- I didn't mean to interrupt it's okay I can go I'll see you later." Yoongi rambled and turned around to leave, his heart pounding in his chest. "No, hyung- it's okay." Namjoon bookmarked his place and sat up quickly. "What's up?"

Yoongi turned around, scared for his life. He sighed and closed Namjoon's door, slowly making his way over to his leaders bed. Namjoon knew he was nervous as hell, he could feel it.

But why?

Yoongi sat down next to Namjoon and looked down at his lap, giving off a serious vibe. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, waiting for him to speak since sometimes it took a while for him to say what he was thinking. He knew Yoongi wasn't one to speak his thoughts often, and if this was a time like that, then Namjoon needed to pay attention.

He had to read Yoongi between the lines.

"You had a girlfriend in high school, right?" Yoongi asked, but he kept his gaze fixed on his lap. "Yeah." Namjoon answered awkwardly. Why was he bringing this up?

"How did you know it wasn't just friendship?" Yoongi finally looked up at Namjoon, he seemed confused. Namjoon was a bit taken back, but he knew how to answer this. "Well, it was kinda obvious, even if it wasn't really that serious or long-lasting. She would go out of her way to see me or do things for me, and I would too. We would often hold hands and cringy stuff like that." Namjoon chuckled, but Yoongi remained serious.

Maybe he had a romantic crush on someone! How cute would that be!

"But how did you know?" Yoongi repeated, keeping eye-contact. Namjoon sighed. Yoongi was making this obvious. "I just kind of knew it, I guess. When I was with her my heart would speed up and my hands would sometimes shake. I would blush when she hugged me and stuff like that- it was obvious." Namjoon explained to him. Yoongi simply nodded and looked back to his lap.

"Do you have feelings for someone or something?" Namjoon asked, trying to get Yoongi to say what he wanted to. "I mean, I've never been in love before, and I really don't want to. I don't want any distractions from my work or ARMY because I love both, and all my life people who were in love never worked out, and I don't want to have to deal with that. But I think I might, even though I don't want to, and I'm sort of scared and freaked out about it." Yoongi ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't think you should stress out about it, hyung, it's okay if you love someone." Namjoon told him. "Our industry let's us date, I think you should take advantage of that since a lot of other companies don't." He added on, but it seemed Yoongi was in deep thought. "Yeah but, I know a lot of ARMY's would be mad, and if I were to confess to that person about the feelings I may or may not even have, then they'll get hate and all these death threats- and I can't put up with that." Yoongi explained, talking with his hands a little. He didn't do it often, and it was cute when he did. Like Jimin.

"You're over thinking this, hyung. If you love someone you should tell them, don't let ARMY hold you back. As much as I love them, and I do a lot, they could do that and that would be really annoying- but you should tell them." Namjoon told him, watching Yoongi fiddle with his fingers nervously. "Yeah that would be nice, wouldn't it?" Yoongi smiled to himself, but it was obviously sarcastic. "I don't even know if I love him, and it's really annoying because if I do, then it's just gonna only be bad, and-" "Him."

Yoongi looked over to Namjoon. "You said him." Namjoon repeated, looking deep into Yoongi's eyes. 'F*cking hell.' Yoongi cursed internally. "No I didn't." If Yoongi's heart wasn't freaking out before, it was now. "Yeah, you did." Namjoon looked back at Yoongi awkwardly. "What do you mean by him?" He asked.

Yoongi stood up and ran.

He ran into his room and slammed the door shut, cursing to himself over and over again.

How could he be so stupid?! It was going good! He was doing just fine until he just had to say it! He-


It was Namjoon- oh god.

Yoongi sat down on his bed breathing heavily. Now was the time to panic.

"Hyung, can I come in?" Namjoon knocked on the door again, but Yoongi stayed silent. "Yoongi hyung, it's Namjoon."

'If he comes in here, I'm done for. My career is over he's gonna f*cking kill me holy sh*t.'

"Yoongi hyung-" "Maybe he's not in there, Joon."

'Jin hyung I love you.'

"I saw him go in ther-" "I need your help getting Jungkook down for dinner, he's not responding to me."


Namjoon walked away, but the door opened none the less.

"Yoongi-ya?" Jin asked, and saw Yoongi on his bed, freaking out. "Yoongi, are you okay?" He went over to Yoongi and sat down next to him. "What?" Yoongi turned to Jin. "No- yeah I'm okay." He smiled and stood up. "I'm gonna take a shower, okay?" He went into his bathroom without saying anything.

Jin shook his head and went back to the kitchen to resume dinner.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now