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Yoongi turned over with a bad headache, and was faced with J-Hope.

Why was he everywhere?

He yanked the blankets up over his shoulders and closed his eyes, refusing to wake up the ball of sunshine. It was way past noon, if he woke him up then he would scream until Yoongi physically got out of bed.

And if that happene-

"Good morning, hyung."

Yoongi turned over. 'If I can't see you than you can't see me' he thought to himself, incredibly exhausted. "Aish whatever."

'It worked?! What?!'

Yoongi sighed and turned over. "You never give up." He poked J-Hope's cheek. "That's what I try and tell you, but you never listen." J-Hope fired back with a bratty smirk. "We're talking about two different things right now." Yoongi pouted. "If you wake up before me, which is always, you don't leave my room until I stand up." He explained. "Are you really that tired to give up?" He asked.

"Aww, you like it when I wake you up?" J-Hope teased. "No, I was gonna punch you in the face if you tried to get me out of bed this morning- you looked stoned last night Hobi." Yoongi laughed. "Hey, at least I wasn't asking about Jimin's dick size." J-Hope fired at him. "Hey, I was drunk, that gives me a pass." Yoongi stuck his tongue out at him.

"What pass?"

"A gay pass- you can't get them, they're exclusive."

"Oooh, what does the gay pass do?" J-Hope asked in a fake interest, laughing already. "It means if I do something stupidly gay, I have five passes I can use and whatever I did goes unspoken of." Yoongi made it up. "What happens if you run out of passes?" J-Hope laughed. "Then I have to take a shot of whatever alcohol the person decides."

"Wow." J-Hope turned onto his back. "So now you only have four passes left?" He asked with a smirk. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean everything stupidly gay I do goes unspoken. I have plenty gay jokes and April fools." Yoongi glared playfully at him. "Hyung, you've never done an april fool's prank." J-Hope laughed hysterically. "Not true!" Yoongi sat up.

"Remember when we did a vlive on April fools and pranked ARMY saying we broke up in our fake relationship?" He asked, looking down at J-Hope. "I came up with that." J-Hope looked up at him. "And I did most of the talking." He added on. "Well, I was still committed to the prank!" Yoongi huffed. "And the fake relationship." He crossed his arms.

"So, for a matter of fact, yes I have done April fools pranks." Yoongi added sarcastically. "Not by yourself~" J-Hope giggled. "Is this a challenge?" Yoongi asked seriously. "It can be, even though April isn't for another month." J-Hope laughed, sitting up. "Fine then." Yoongi stood up to get changed. He soon regretted his decesions.

"And if we come back for April fools and you're pranking doing something with another guy then-" "HOBI!" Yoongi yelled at him, which both of them instantly died of laughter. "No!" He attempted to stand up again, and bared the pain as he went over to his dresser.

Then he realized he was in J-Hope's room.

J-Hope laughed at Yoongi's groan of realization. "You're welcome to stay if you wa-" "Jung Hoseok I swear to god." Yoongi laughed and quickly left the room, when J-Hope motioned he was going to get changed. "You seem more gay than me!" He closed the door- which earned very confused glares from the other members.

"Oh-I-no-" Yoongi panicked, which made everyone laugh. "I was saying that he-" "It's okay, hyung." Jungkook laughed. Yoongi shook his head and disappeared back to his room to change out of his clothes that reeked of alcohol; Everclear was very strong.

"Taehyung-ah, what's wrong?" Jimin turned to Taehyung, seeing him cuddling a blanket with his face hidden.  "Tae~" He giggled and leaned on his knees that were close to his chest. Taehyung only groaned as a response. "Are you alive?" He asked, and Jungkook poked Taehyung's foot playfully. "Stop it." Taehyung shoved Jungkook away and hid his feet under the small blanket he had. Jungkook crossed his arms.

"Tae Tae, you're hot." Jimin felt his forehead. "I know, thanks." Taehyung joked. Jimin playfully smacked him. "No I mean, your temperature." He added, using the other side of his hand.

Taehyung had a fever.

"Allow me to do the honor of taking your temperature, kind sir!" Jimin pulled Taehyung up off of the living room couch and took him to his bathroom.

"Poor Taehyung-ah." Jin scrolled through Twitter. "WhErE iS YoOnGaY?!" Jungkook shouted, making Namjoon raise his eyebrows and Jin laugh.


"It was a joke!" Jungkook quickly followed up. "Hyuuuuungggg~!" He yelled down the hallway. "Grandpa-"

"I heard that!"

Jungkook giggled as Yoongi stormed down the hallway. "It was a jok-" "Nice, Kook." Yoongi tried to high five him but Jungkook stepped back. "I know." Jungkook laughed and gave him a fist bump.


But both of them laughed hysterically, it wasn't awkward anymore.

'This is an example of Namjoon.' Yoongi laughed in his head. Their laughter got cut off when Jimin appeared behind Jungkook, closing the bedroom door behind him.

"Taehyungie has a tempature." Jimin crossed his arms. "What is it?" Yoongi asked. "One hundred point four." Jimin replied. "Today was just studio work, so I think he should be able to stay here." Yoongi nodded. "I'll go see V hy-" "No." Jimin stopped Jungkook. "He threw up and I don't want to risk you getting sick, Kookie." He explained. "Even more of a reason for me to see V hyung!" Jungkook pouted and threw his hands in the air as he walked off.

"He didn't actually throw up, that was a lie." Jimin mumbled to Yoongi. "For real though, he okay?" Yoongi chuckled. "Well- I don't wanna seem phobic or anything, but he was coughing and was breathing heavy." Jimin's tone went serious, and Yoongi understood. "You don't thi-"


Yoongi jumped at J-Hope's tone. "HOSEOK-AH!" He smacked his arm. "IT'S BEFORE NOON, I DON'T HAVE COFFEE, AND I HAVE A HEADACHE!" Jimin laughed hard at that. "Yeah- speaking of, how are you two not 'I wanna die' hungover?" He asked. "I've wanted to die for a long time, Chim. Second, I am crazy hungover, I just hide my pain and suffering expertly well." Yoongi smiled and walked off to the kitchen for pain killers. Jimin pouted.

"I'm smart and have some pills in my bathroom, so I'm trying not to dwell on the pain." J-Hope laughed. "Did you just call Yoongi hyung unsmart?!" Jimin gasped sarcastically. "No!" J-Hope laughed.

Jimin and J-Hope made their way back into the kitchen for breakfast, and finally noticed Yoongi was wearing a short sleeve shirt for once. "I don't care anymore." Yoongi shrugged and swallowed two pain killers, noticing and feeling J-Hope and Jimin's gazes on him. "I guess that's a good thing...?" Jimin stated. It was more of a question. "I guess." Yoongi chuckled.

It was hard to care anymore, really.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now