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Namjoon also caught on. What he was confused about, was why Yoongi was ignoring J-Hope.

"Hyung!" J-Hope back-hugged Yoongi at the breakfast table. Jimin had his hood up, staring down at his feet with Jungkook next to him, trying to make him laugh.

"Get off." Yoongi scratched J-Hope's hands on his stomach, shoving him away. "Ouch." J-Hope laughed nervously, looking down at his hand to see red marks across his knuckles. Yoong ignored him, taking a picture of his breakfast for his brother. Since he came out, they've been talking much more often.

Namjoon watched Yoongi's eyes, they seem to get darker with anger. The small sparkle of joy he had in his eyes around Hoseok was long gone. Namjoon hadn't seen that sparkle in a week.

Taehyung's quarantine was halfway done by this point, but Jimin was still down about his rejection from Yoongi.

J-Hope backed off, sitting next to Jin at the table since Jungkook wanted to cook this morning. Yoongi sat alone at the kitchen island, on his phone.

J-Hope was also acting off, he wasn't acting his normal self. He was still smiling and laughing, just not as genuine as before. It was obvious, every member could sense the tension between Yoongi and J-Hope.

"Oh hey Yoongi hyu-" "No." Yoongi fired at J-Hope's voice. J-Hope mumbled something no one could hear as he checked in on Weverse quickly.

The day didn't get better.

The members decided to watch movies since there wasn't anything else better to do, and every time J-Hope made a comment or laughed at the movie, Yoongi would sigh. It was getting annoying, there was no reason for Yoongi to be acting like he was. J-Hope didn't even do anything, as far as they were concerned.

"What's wrong, Yoongi?" Namjoon turned over to Yoongi when he scoffed again at J-Hope's funny comment. He loved Yoongi, he really did; but now he was being annoying and uncalled for. "Nothing." Yoongi moved against the corner of the couch, staring at the wide TV screen. "Well, you keep sighing like something's wrong." Namjoon brought up. "Just trying to pay attention."

'What's his problem with me? We were just fine last week, I didn't do anything mean...right? Maybe Jin hyung said something?' J-Hope thought, watching the movie Jin had picked: The Return of Spiderman. It was a bit childish, but that was the fun and relaxing part.

"Hobi isn't doing anything." Namjoon defended him. "Mm..." Yoongi hummed, blocking him out.

He had his reasons.

9:32 P.M.

Everyone fell into a food coma, fast asleep in their own beds, too tired to even change into pajamas. Except for Yoongi and J-Hope.

Jimin woke up to yelling, which made him groan against his warm pillow. He felt like a rock, Jin had made too much food to eat in one night, plus a small dessert. Although, he sat up when he thought he heard Yoongi yelling. He wasn't one to verbally fight that often.

Jimin stood up, stretching and rubbing his eyes. His belt and button on his jeans had left marks on his tummy from sleeping with them on, along with small marks down his torso from his shirt wrinkling in his sleep every time he moved. He left his room and traveled down the hallway in curiosity. He was tired, but it was definitely Yoongi who was yelling.

Either at someone or something.

He walked into Yoongi's room where the yelling was the loudest.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now