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Namjoon shut himself in his room all day, not even coming out to eat or use the bathroom; he did have one attached to his room, but he rarely used that one since he forgot it existed. Jungkook was all whiney about how much his dick hurt, and all it took was for Yoongi to offer to look at it to make sure it wasn't broken, for him to shut up about it. Of course, it got a smack from J-Hope, but it was playful.

Taehyung was off with Naeun, probably playing around with her dog since he said he loved it. It, quote, "reminds me of Yeontan the way she barks", so that's basically what he does when he's stressing out now; see his girlfriend, and/or play with her dog. Yoongi was busy making some Kimchi Stew for, mainly himself but he most likely wouldn't finish it alone, and J-Hope was off in his room doing whatever it is he was doing. Jimin, only God knows what that kid is doing.

Yoongi's birthday was on the way, and just last week he released his possibly last album, as a 'goodbye for now' "present". Honestly, he wasn't sure what he would do after the military. It wasn't like he would settle down and get married and have kids, because, well, he couldn't marry Hoseok- and he hated kids.

But, he wanted a break from being a huge star and a face of Korea. He wasn't sure if he'd return to HYBE or not. He could certainly afford his own life. The only thing holding him back were his members. Jin stated he would return to HYBE for another two years or so, and after Jungkook left for the military then he would leave HYBE perminatelt. He, quote, "want to see my baby Kookie grow up before I leave forever". Maybe he could do what Jin planned and return for just two more years. He didn't know what would happen to J-Hope and his relationship, he really wasn't sure nor excited for this change coming up.

As he stirred in the garlic, he started to remember old memories of the group. He was about to make himself cry. He was nervous to be alone for two years, without the help of his members on a bad mental health day, without the reason he was still alive. He didn't know where he would be put in the military, which made him more nervous on dying. Right now there wasn't any more heat than normal between North and South Korea, but no one ever really knew what the north was going to do and when.

One peaceful day, Yoongi could just be walking a boarder or restocking supplies, possibly be driving some type of machinery, then boom, a bomb came out of nowhere and he was dead. He would never know how or when he was going to die. Yoongi hoped for a long, happy life, but no one ever knew for sure.

"Hyung, why are you crying?" Jungkook's voice broke him from his thoughts. He realized he was crying and wiped his eyes, sniffling. "What's wrong?" Yoongi felt a hand on his shoulder; a caring one. "Just t-thinking," Yoongi took a deep breath. "About what?" Jungkook asked, his voice soft. "Just some stuff, it's not a big deal." Yoongi shook his head, sniffling. "Well, you're crying..." Jungkook gave Yoongi a back hug, resting his head on the elder's shoulder and his hands on his stomach. "Don't worry about it, Kookie, I'm okay." Yoongi smiled, stirring in the Kimchi carefully. "Well, I'm bored, so tell me." Jungkook chuckled lightly.

"I was just thinking about what's going to happen when I have to leave, about missing J-Hope and just remembering some good times we all had as a group..." Yoongi sighed, wiping more tears so his face was clean of them. "I guess I'm just missing Jin hyung." He laughed. "Well, when you leave, it's not like it's the end of our friendship." Jungkook shook his head, still having a softer tone.

"Even if you don't want to come back to the industry, we're still going to hang out and stay in touch...right?" Jungkook gave a passionate kiss to Yoongi's cheek, successfully making him happier. "Yeah..." Yoongi nodded, smiling. "Now stop it and go do something for ARMY." He joked, turning down the heat on the stove. "I can't post, hyung, it's too much." Jungkook sighed sadly, feeling his mood drop at just the thought of posting and hate comments. "Post on Weverse, haters don't exist there." Yoongi suggested. "Yes they do...always on just my posts." Jungkook sighed heavily, again, leaving the kitchen. "Kookie, come back!" Yoongi whined out, eventually getting the youngest to slump his way back over.

"Don't think about it then. Do you want to help me with something to eat instead of drowning in misery?" Yoongi asked with a small smile.

"No, it'll only make me more fat. I'm gonna go to my room and-" "I will slap you right across your face if you dare ever say that again. Get your heterosexual a*s back here right now." Yoongi turned around, pissed, and it was obvious.

"What?" Jungkook groaned at him. "You are not fat. And if you think so one more time, you're wrong. Over nine years and I have never seen you fat. And I mean never. It's okay to not have abs or bulging muscles, but because you don't doesn't mean you're fat. Get that sh*t out of your head, Gguk, alright? Don't be like Jimin and starve yourself until you physically can't anymore. I don't want to see you like I've seen him a few times, okay? I love you, and I always will- come on, you don't need me to tell you that. Don't say or think that ever again, okay?" Yoongi told him, placing his hands on his hips.

"Okay, hyung." Jungkook said and turned around, leaving to his room. "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or be extremely offended." Jimin appeared beside Yoongi, making him jump. "You scared me, Min." Yoongi laughed, turning back towards the stove. "I know. Think how I felt when I popped in here for a snack and found you talking to JK about my-" "I'm sorry, I was giving him an example because he said he was fat and I just said what was ran through my head." Yoongi explained, apologizing. "So you think I'm fat?" Jimin asked in a hurt, offended tone. "No!" Yoongi went wide-eyed. He didn't think it had come out like that.

"I was using you as an example because you're harder on yourself out of everyone in the band, and you think you're overweight when you're not- Jungkook thought he-" "Ooh, okay, I get it." Jimin nodded. "Sorry that came out rough, you are the opposite of that." Yoongi told him awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck lightly. "It's okay, hyung." Jimin gave him a sweet smile, then he glanced at the stove. "Want some help?" He asked.

Yoongi nodded slightly, looking back to the cooking food. "I'll share with you." He turned towards the younger. "Yes please, I'm hungry." Jimin licked his lips and skipped off for drinks since the stew looked close to being done.

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