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Back at the dorm, J-Hope laid with Jimin.

It was awkward, since both of them had dated Yoongi, and the fact Jimin was still trying to get rid of his feelings for the elder, and J-Hope was dating him. Jimin was laying on J-Hope, his head on his lap like they always did. They haven't fought about anything, gay wise, so being roommates was still amazing for the both of them.

"Hey..." Yoongi walked in. "Hey, hyung." Jimin smiled at him. J-Hope sucked in a small breath when Jimin moved his head onto his dick. It happened all the time, it was his only problem with the younger. He was the cause of most of J-Hope's boners, as weird as it might be.

"I, just wanted to apologize, Hoseok-ah, for, you know, what I said, uh, earlier..." Yoongi said awkwardly, switching his gaze from the floor to J-Hope himself. "It's okay, hyung." J-Hope smiled, his little dimples showing. It was cute.

"I just feel so bad-" "I forgive you, Yoongi hyung." J-Hope nodded to him. "Really?" Yoongi asked shyly. He was scared J-Hope was going to break up with him. It was obvious he was scared.  "Yes, hyung." J-Hope motioned for Jimin to get off of him. He did. "I know you didn't mean it." He hugged him.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to yell at you like that, I'm so sorry." Yoongi hugged him tight. "It's okay- take a breather." J-Hope kissed his cheek carefully. "I can't." Yoongi clutched the back of his shirt, hiding his face in his boyfriend's neck. "Hey, baby," J-Hope pulled away and intertwined their fingers together. Yoongi sniffled, keeping his emotions inside.

"I forgive you." He lowered his voice. "Because I love you." He smiled, speaking softly since it looked like Yoongi would flip out into an anxiety attack any second. "I'm sorry for yelling too." He apologized. Yoongi nodded softly, licking his lips. "I thought," He paused, taking a deep breath. "What?" J-Hope asked when there was a long silence. "Nevermind." Yoongi shook his head.

"Tell me." J-Hope pouted, holding Yoongi's hands comfortably. "It doesn't matte-" "Yes it does. What's on your mind?" He asked. "I thought, you were gonna let me go." Yoongi mumbled quietly, eyeing Jimin that was on his phone. "For what?" J-Hope asked in surprise. "A small argument? Yoongi hyung, everybody has arguments and conflicts- we were just frusterated and upset, it happens." He swung their hands a little, making Yoongi smile a little. "I-I know." Yoongi looked down.


Someone barged into the room, and how they knew Yoongi was in there was concerning, but someone busted into the room and ran forward. They bumped into Yoongi which caused him to bump into J-Hope, sending both of them to the floor. Both of them hit heads.

"Hyung!" Namjoon ran over frantically, switching back into leader mode to make sure they were okay. "Sh*t!" Yoongi got off of J-Hope, eyes closed from the pounding in his head. "I'm so sorry!" Namjoon helped him up. "Sh*t."

Yoongi looked over at J-Hope when he cursed, and saw blood. A lot of it. Everywhere.

"HOBI!" He fell back down and sat his dongsaeng up frantically, panicking. "My-my nose." J-Hope winced in pain, his hand covering his nose that was gushing dark red blood. "Sh*t!" Yoongi cursed, full-on panicking and tilting J-Hope's head back a little. "Joon-ssi go get some tissues- no, a lot!" He ordered, Jimin quickly scurrying over to see what was going on.

"Hobi, it's gonna be okay." Yoongi tried to comfort him, but he didn't know what else to do without tissues or paper towels. "Does it feel broken?" Jimin asked. J-Hope shook his head no, tilting his head back. He could feel the salty blood running down the back of his throat. "Joon-ah is going to get some tissues, I got you." Yoongi took his hand away to see how much he was bleeding. It was a lot.

"I'm so sorry, Hoseok-ah." Namjoon ran back into the room with lots of tissues. "It's fine." J-Hope winced in pain. Yoongi moved his hand away from his nose and helped clean off the blood gushing down his chin and all over his face. "I need these wet- to your bathroom we go." Yoongi helped J-Hope stand up, making sure his head was back the entire time.

"Everyday you live up to your God of Destruction label." Jimin giggled. "I'm really sorry!" Namjoon sighed. "I know, hyung." Jimin playfully placed a hand on Namjoon's upper back. "It's just a little nosebleed anyway- you could've broken his nose." He shrugged. "It could be worse." "That doesn't exactly make me feel better, but you're right." Namjoon chuckled.

He sighed when he saw Yoongi leave the bathroom, a little blood on his hands.

"He's gonna be okay Joon-ah, it's just a little nosebleed." Yoongi wiped his hands on his pants. "I'm so sorry-" "It's okay." He cut him off.

"Now what were you screaming my name for?"

"Oh, right! Nothing, I just wanted to know where you were."

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now