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Yoongi felt stiff. His lower half was pulsing with pain, and it took him until he rolled over to put together why.


J-Hope was dead asleep, his brown hair sprawled out on his pillow with his mouth agape a little. It was cute.


Yoongi smiled when that woke J-Hope up. "Hm?" J-Hope yawned cutely, looking around a little. "I hurt, but I want to cuddle closer." Yoongi pulled a pouty lip. J-Hope smirked a bit and pulled his lover into his arms, admiring the dark marks down his tan neck. "This good?" J-Hope asked, still half-asleep. Yoongi nodded, closing his eyes. He was still tired. "I love you." J-Hope smiled and kissed his neck. "I love you too." Yoongi blushed a little.

2 Hours Earlier


"Huh?" Namjoon turned around at Jungkook's yell across the house. "YOONGI AND HOSEOK HYUNG ARE DOING IT!" Jungkook ran up to Namjoon. "Doing what?" Namjoon asked, absolutely confused.


"JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon's eyes widened. "Yoongi hyung is bottoming!" Jungkook giggled like a teenage girl. "Jungkook-ssi, leave them be." Namjoon shook his head. "I'm the all knowing, the all seeing, AND the all hearing." Jungkook smirked like he had just won Overwatch. "I do not need to know that." Namjoon grabbed his phone from the counter and ran into the living room.

"ARMY heard that!" Jimin came around the corner. "Taehyung-ah is doing a Vlive and ARMY heard that!" He explained, a shocked expression on his face. Jungkook made a small 'oop', then ran away. "Jungkook-ssi!" Jimin ran after him.

"Oh my goodness." Namjoon face-palmed.


"Yes, hyung?!"

"Come here!"

"Everytime someone leaves me, Jin hyung calls for me..." Namjoon turned towards Jin's room and walked in. "Um, I n-need your help." Jin called from his bathroom. "It makes me uncomfortable when someone asks for help from the bathroom." Namjoon joked, chuckling a little. "What is it?" He stood outside the door. "You can come in, I need your help with something." Jin told him confidentially. "Okay." Namjoon opened the closed door and walked in.

"I don't know how to do this." Jin huffed and threw the black skirt on the floor. "You...have a skirt?" Namjoon asked, closing the door. "Yeah, for our next comeback. Honestly, I-I was a bit self-conscious so I convinced Jimin-ssi to wear one too when we start shooting the music videos." Jin admitted, staring at the skirt. "Well, it's just a skirt, you just pull it-" "It ties on the side." Jin put his hands on his hips. "What do you mean?" Namjoon picked up the thrown fabric.

"Wow, hyung

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"Wow, hyung." Namjoon smiled. "It's cute." He looked back up at Jin. "I guess so..." Jin looked away. "But, hyung, it ties all the way up the sides...your boxers are going to show." Namjoon brought up. Jin snatched the skirt from him. "Jimin said it wouldn't go all the way up!" Jin sighed and threw it back down on the floor. "You asked to borrow one of his?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah." Jin ran his right hand through his hair. "Hey, you know what, don't worry about it. You know ARMY's going to go insane about the fact you're wearing a skirt anyway, and they'll be so infatuated with it they probably won't even notice the side." His leader tried to help, picking up the skirt. "I'll help you tie it, if you still want to see how it looks." Namjoon smiled encouragingly at him. "Yeah...I guess." Jin nodded.

"Okay." Namjoon crouched down on Jin's side and wrapped the skirt around his waist. Jin quickly turned into a blushing mess for no reason, the touch on the side of his thigh was unfamiliar. "It crosses- it's so pretty!" Namjoon smiled happily. He forgot the last time Jin wore a skirt. "Thanks." Jin squeaked out. "Boom, done." Namjoon crossed the two laces once more and let go, letting the short edges rest on Jin's thigh.

"Does it look bad?" Jin asked, looking at Namjoon over his hands that were covering his face. "No, hyung, it looks amazing!" Namjoon looked him up and down. "It suits you well." He complimented him. "Really?" Jin took in a small breath. "Yeah! It's really cute!" Namjoon placed Jin's pants on the bathroom counter. "Okay, because, I'm really self-conscious now." Jin looked in the full-body mirror he had- because why not? "Hyung, don't be. It looks really, really good on you." Namjoon told him, again. "Okay- I'm gonna go ask Jimin's opinion." Jin turned around. "Eeek!" Namjoon let Jin pass.

"Jimin-ah!" He called out and looked for the younger. "Hyungie, you have to say hi to ARMY!" Jimin ran towards him. "No!" Jin ran away from Namjoon, but Jimin had already caught the skirt in the frame. "Jin hyungie, are you wearing a skirt?!" He ran after the eldest. "Jimin-ssi, stop." Namjoon stopped him. "ARMY wants to say hi anyway!" Jimin averted the subject. "Hi, ARMY!" Namjoon yelled loudly.

Present Time

"Jin hyung hasn't worn a skirt in a while, he was just trying it on and he didn't want anyone to see." Namjoon explained to Jimin after the live ended. "He wanted another one because he thought that one was too revealing, because it tied up the side and showed his boxers. He was feeling self-conscious so I had to convince him he looked good- which he did." He explained. "Jin hyung self-conscious?" Jimin asked in slight surprise. "Yeah, he was stiff and uneasy while I was tying it. It was obvious- I don't know if he's going to wear it next comeback or not." Namjoon told him, sadly smiling. "I was just about to go see how he's doing." He took in a sharp breath. "Okay." Jimin nodded.

"Jin hyung~" He walked towards Jin's room again. "What, Namjoon-ah?" Jin was changed into normal clothes. He seemed tired and slightly annoyed...

"Hey, what's wrong?" Namjoon walked closer, concerned. "Nothing." Jin looked down. "Okay, hyung, you have to tell me now. What's bothering you?" Namjoon sat down on the edge of his bed. "Is it the skirt?"

"No, I'm just...I don't know what's wrong, I just feel, off." Jin sighed, talking with his hands. "Off, how?" Namjoon asked curiously. "Physically, emotionally...?" He placed his left hand behind Jin, resting his weight on it. "No, not physically. But, not- I don't know, but until proven otherwise, I'm okay." Jin smiled softly. "Okay, hyung...but, you can talk to me if you're really not okay. If it is the skirt, you don't have to wear it." Namjoon told him in a serious but soft tone. "I know, Joon-ssi." Jin nodded and stood up.

"It'll be okay."

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