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"Where's Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung?" Taehyung asked as he slipped on his shoes, Jungkook staying quiet. "I'm not sure- Jungkook." Jin called out, and the youngest looked over to Jin. "Will you go get Yoongi and Hoseok-ah please? They're taking forever." Jin joked as he slipped on his coat. Jungkook nodded slightly and left the living room. "Is it just me, or is Kook-ah being more quiet than usual?" Jimin looked over at Namjoon. Everyone just nodded as a response, agreeing with what Jimin had said.

"Hyungs?" Jungkook asked as he entered Yoongi's room, and saw J-Hope holding Yoongi in his lap. "Hyungs...we're ready to go..." Jungkook fiddled with his fingers awkwardly, with Yoongi crying and trying to say something but J-Hope was silencing him telling him it was okay.

"Yoongi hyung, what's your favorite animal?" J-Hope whispered to Yoongi, gripping his waist slightly so he wouldn't fall back. "W-welsh c-corg-i." Yoongi stammered out, reaching behind J-Hope and gripping his shirt tightly. "Do you have a marker?" J-Hope asked.

Jungkook watched J-Hope move Yoongi off his lap, and went over to his desk. He took a blue and black marker and went back to Yoongi. Jungkook sighed, and went back down stairs- into his room. He couldn't handle it, he didn't want Yoongi to suffer.

Yoongi looked down at J-Hope when he pulled his sleeve up, and opened the marker cap. "Can I take the bandage off, hyung?" J-Hope asked, and Yoongi nodded, sniffling and taking deep breaths to calm down. J-Hope took off the gauze and tape, and started to draw a dog using the scars as lines for the back and tail. It hurt a little since Yoongi's arm was extremely sensitive, but it was J-Hope so it was okay.

"See, it's a Corgi now." J-Hope smiled at Yoongi, who had calmed down a lot by now. "Whenever you go to cut or hurt yourself on this wrist, you'll see the Corgi. It's supposed to help you, because you wouldn't want to hurt the dog, right? If you hurt yourself or cut here, the dog will get hurt." He told him, making the dog look as cute as marker-ly possible. "I'm not a child." Yoongi wiped the tears off his face. "I know, but if you do like Corgi's, you won't want to hurt it." J-Hope told him, closing the black marker and coloring it in with the blue one.

"Yeah sure, make it blue so everyone can see it." Yoongi sighed. "No, it's a special Corgi. This type of Corgi is endangered, so you won't want to-" "It's a f*cking drawing, Hoseok, it's not gonna do anything!" Yoongi cut him off, placing the gauze bandage back over his cut that had started bleeding again from the marker irritation. "Hyung-" "Just go, Hobi." Yoongi brought his knees to his chest and hid his face in them, his arms going over his head. "You should rest today, you lost lots of blood last night." J-Hope stood up to leave. "I love you, hyung." He giggled, returning the markers and running to the door. "Don't say that." Yoongi groaned, and J-Hope opened the door.

"I love you, hyung!"

J-Hope went downstairs, and found everyone staring at him.

Did Jungkook tell?

"Is Yoongi hyung coming? Or is he going to stay here?" Namjoon asked him. "He wants to stay." J-Hope breathed a breath of relief. "I mean- he doesn't want to stay, but his...shoulder hurts." He said quickly. "We get it, it's okay." Jin smiled at him. "Okay..." J-Hope grabbed his shoes for the interview they had.

He hoped Yoongi wouldn't do it again.

- 1 Hour Later -

"Frick you, Jung Hoseok."

Yoongi threw the blade across the room, he couldn't do it. The stupid blue dog Hoseok drew on his arm was getting to him.

What kind of trickery did he do?!

Yoongi took the bandage and covered up the deep red scar on his arm, and stood up from the bathroom floor. He went out into the kitchen to make food, grabbing his phone from his back pocket to play some music. He wiped the weak tears from his face and looked in the cabinets for something easy to make. He looked in the pantry and found a cup of noodles, and decided that would be enough for now.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now