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2 Months Later

"Wah, Jin hyung looks so hot!"

Jimin zoomed into Jin's handsome face, showing the smile on his face. The airport was crowded with people, but their bodyguards were surrounding them. "Hyung-ah you look so cool!" Jungkook giggled, inspecting Jin's military suit. "Aish." Jin shook his head, blushing.

"Jeongguk-ah is right. You look very handsome." Jin's mother smiled and fixed the unnoticeable wrinkle in the tan fabric near his neck. "I love you, momma." Jin gave her a tight hug, tears filling his eyes. "I love you too, my baby Seokjin." She gave a kiss to his cheek, taking in the moment.

Jimin smiled, glancing over at his teary-eyed members and staff. "Aw come on hyung's, let's not be sad! It's only two years, we'll be okay." He swung his arm over Namjoon's shoulders.


Jin and his family turned around to see Jinae running towards him.

"You can't leave without saying goodbye, you meanie!" Jinae gently hit Jin's chest, giggling then kissing him quickly. "You just saw me yesterday." Jin chuckled, giving a soft kiss to the top of her head. "You're so silly!" Jinae pulled away from a hug and looked into his eyes. "I'm going to miss you, Seokjin oppa." She crossed her arms in a pout, turning sad. "Don't worry, I'll be back." Jin gave another kiss to her lips, pausing for a few seconds to remember it.

"Okay okay, my turn!" Taehyung, the most emotional one, hugged Jin from behind and bursted into tears. Jin playfully rolled his eyes and patted Taehyung's head. "Taehyung-ah, stop crying, you're going to get dehydrated!" He joked, ruffling his hair. "B-but I'm going to miss you, hyung!" Taehyung didn't want to let go.

The previous week each member had a day with their precious Jin hyung, a full day of making memories before the eldest left for the military. The live was filled with sobbing ARMY's agressively screen-shotting.

"Uncle Jinnie!"

"So many hugs to give!" Jin turned towards his brother's kid and picked them up. "Uncle Jinnie's going away for a while, but he's gonna be back soon, okay?" He booped the smaller child's nose. "But, who gonna gimme candy?" He asked, his little eyes filled with curiosity about everything in the big world. "Sh, remember, daddy's not supposed to know!" Jin whispered to him, earning laughs all around him. He sneaked a mini chocolate in the child's jacket, winking at him as he put him back down on solid ground.

"Kim Seokjin!"

"I have to go now..." Jin turned back to the crowd facing him, tears in everyone's eyes except his nephew's because he had no idea what was happening. Everyone got one more hug, then Jin gave a quick meaningful message to ARMY, the camera, bowed to Bang-PD and his parents, and grabbed his light luggage.

"I LOVE YOU JIN HYUNG!" Jungkook yelled, sobbing as Jin walked over to the plane to take him wherever the military needed him. Yoongi held J-Hope's hand, hugging him as Jin met his Sargent.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to serve my country, sir." Jin bowed to the man, earning a nod from the firm older male. "Good to hear." He motioned for him to board the plane.

And with that, Jin disappeared into the military plane, off to do his real duty.

[A/N: Don't mind me, just crying over here T~T I've run out of chapters pre-written, so tomorrow there might only be one chapter. School starts for me soon, high school (I'm gonna be a freshmen) on Monday, so I'm not sure how updates are gonna go after today. Just take this time to cry over the real life reality that one day BTS will be gone, doing military service or settling down and having kids with their wife (not assuming all members are straight, just facing reality's likelyhood they will be), away from the music industry.........BUT THAT'S NOT TODAY, SO GO STREAM PTD OKAY BYE!]

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