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The Next Day

"Yoongi-" "I don't want to."

"Please-" "No."

"Baby, pwease?"

J-Hope pouted and looked up at his boyfriend. "You went hard on me last night, I don't wanna hear it. I'm staying right here." Yoongi whispered to him, glaring in his eyes then hiding his head back in J-Hope's chest. "You asked for it, literally." J-Hope laughed and continued to rub Yoongi's back lovingly.

"Hyungs, are you ready to go?" Namjoon asked, a makeup artist fixing his hair quickly. "He's not moving." J-Hope sighed, motioning to Yoongi. "I don't wanna!" Yoongi giggled and clung tighter to J-Hope. "Aish you are so childish!" J-Hope rolled his eyes. "Come on, Yoongi hyung." Namjoon playfully picked him up off J-Hope's lap. "Hey no put me down!" Yoongi frailed his arms around in a playful fit. J-Hope laughed and kissed his cheek before running away to get his hair fixed for the interview.

J-Hope ended up having to stay put for his makeup artists, so it wouldn't have mattered if Yoongi moved from his lap or not.

20 Minutes Later

"Have you two ever gotten... intimate?"

J-Hope started laughing with Namjoon. "What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, laughing. "You know what I mean." The Korean interviewer laughed, looking between Yoongi and J-Hope. "We were told Yoongi-ya was demisexual, which means you'd have to have an emotional connection before doing-" "To get the question out of the way, yes." J-Hope answered, and Yoongi laughed and hid his face in J-Hope's shoulder nervously.

'Don't you dare say anything more, I swear I will kick you.' Yoongi threatened in his head. "ARMY is debating between each other which one if you is the dominate-" "Hoseok hyung." Jimin interrupted him. "Oh?" The two interviewers laughed hysterically.

'Park Jimin, I swear, after this is over and we're back home, I'm gonna kick your bisexual short a*s.' Yoongi groaned in annoyance. "Ooh, so Yoongi-" "Stop it, stop!" Yoongi turned to Jimin when he started talking. "Don't even!" He laughed, which made Jimin laugh too. "How do you know this, Jimin-ah?" The male interviewer asked him, everybody laughing. "Very few times we can hear." Jimin giggled, which earned a slap on the wrist from Yoongi.

"Hey-!" "To take some of the embarrassment off of Yoongi hyung, we don't always only hear him." Namjoon glared over at J-Hope. "Thanks." J-Hope looked back at him, speaking sarcastically. "You're not-" "All of you have embarrassed me before, even before Yoongi hyung and I started dating." J-Hope rolled his eyes, interrupting Namjoon. "Eh, I guess that's true." Namjoon chuckled.

"Namjoon-ssi, you said you don't always hear only Yoongi-ssi- Hoseok, does that mean you two are versatile?" The woman asked, and that made J-Hope's cheeks go red. "We've thought about it, but not yet." He scratched the back of his neck- which was a secret sign to all the members he was getting uncomfortable.

Jin changed the subject.


3 Hours Later





"HEY!" Namjoon shouted at Yoongi as he continued chasing Jimin around the house. "IT'S OKAY NAMJOON-AH, JIMIN DOESN'T CARE!" Yoongi grabbed the younger's shirt. "AH!" Jimin tripped and fell back into Yoongi's grasp. "Please hyungie I'm sorry!" He tried to escape, laughing. "Aww, let Jiminie go, he looks like a hurt puppy." Taehyung teased, pouting at Jimin. "Hey, you be quiet sir." Jimin glared playfully at Taehyung. "This is an A, B conversation, C your way out of it." He told him in English, desperately trying to wiggle out of Yoongi's hold. "Wow, Jimin." Namjoon shook his head in disappointment.

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