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After the vlive ended, it was already past one. ARMY was excited to see Taehyung again, but they were asking where J-Hope was. So Namjoon went and got him, but it took longer than expected because he caught him crying.

He wouldn't tell him why...at first. Namjoon wouldn't let him leave until he told him, it wasn't normal to see J-Hope crying in the dorm. Maybe outside the dorm like on tour, but not in the middle of the day like this.

J-Hope had feelings for Yoongi. And it was a mess, as J-Hope worded it. He thought Yoongi and him had a special connection, something more- but apparently not.

"Every day I see him with Jimin, it's like my heart gets torn apart in so many ways nothing could get it back together- and it's not that I hate Jimin or am jealous of him, I can just feel everything slipping farther and farther from me every day."

Namjoon told him to just tell Yoongi about his feelings, so he could talk it out with him, but J-Hope refused every time. He didn't want to ruin Yoongi and Jimin's relationship or make Jimin feel awkward or hate him, he didn't want to be a burden.

"Everything okay?" Jin asked as he walked in, J-Hope still crying on Namjoon and holding him tight. "Hobi?" He rushed over at the pitiful sight, sitting down next to the two on his bed. "Hey, what happened?" He asked, looking at Namjoon with concern. "He has feelings for Yoongi."

J-Hope felt his heart start again at his name, but then get torn apart again at the reality he was with someone else.

"Oh, Hobi..." Jin picked up J-Hope and hugged him, J-Hope instantly latching to him and sobbing against his chest. Jin looked at Namjoon and moved J-Hope closer to him, running his hand through his hair.

"You need to talk to Yoongi." Jin told him, looking down at him. "Oh- Joon, Kook needs you in the kitchen, don't break anything." He looked up, laughing lighty. "Okay." Namjoon didn't laugh and stood up, leaving the room.

"Hey, what's going on with Hoseok hyung?" Jimin asked once he saw Namjoon. "Is the vlive over?" Namjoon changed the subject. "Yeah, it is." Yoongi nodded. "Now where's Hoseok?" He asked.

Namjoon sighed.

"He's with Jin hyung, just leave them be for now." He told him. "Why, what's going on?" Yoongi asked, eyeing J-Hope's door. "Nothing, just...leave them be." Namjoon went to find Jungkook.

Yoongi went to J-Hope's room and opened the door.

"I can't." J-Hope curled into a smaller ball against Jin, shaking his head. "Oh my god Hobi- what's wrong?" Yoongi ran over immediately when he saw him crying, taking him from Jin. "Yoongi, don't." Jin saw J-Hope hide his face in his hands. "Hey, Hoseokie..." Yoongi pulled J-Hope into his lap, moving his arms away from his face and brushing his hair away from his eyes. His touch was gentle and his voice was soft.

"Hey..." Yoongi tried to look at J-Hope. "Bubba." He angled his face up to see his pink cheeks and teary eyes, leaking the salty liquid down his face. Jin could see them make eye contact, but he was sort of surprised at what Yoongi had said; bubba. Yoongi was not a fan of pet names, especially that one, let alone say one. It was...different.

"Aw, Hoseokie..." Yoongi wiped J-Hope's tears in a pout, the younger hiccuping slightly and crying quietly. "What happened to make you so sad?" He asked, genually concerned for his band mate. He didn't like to see J-Hope cry.

J-Hope met Yoongi's eyes, but it was so hard to look at him when he saw him as a lover but Yoongi only saw him as a brother. It was hurting him the longer he looked into his eyes, but he couldn't make himself look away. Yoongi's eyes were his favorite feature of the elder, he could look at them all day if he could.

J-Hope finally shook his head and looked away, feeling another tear form in his heart from doing so. His heart was ripped, he felt empty and in emotional pain. A lot of pain.

"Hey it's okay, you can tell me." Yoongi turned his face to look at him, but J-Hope painfully ripped himself from his lap and choked out a loud cry. All he wanted was to be close to Yoongi, hold him and hug him as tight as he could.

"Yoongi, please- go." Jin took J-Hope, seeing the fragilness in his eyes that couldn't hide the pain any longer. "No-" "Yoongi." He cut him off sternly, wrapping J-Hope in a protective hug against him. "Go." Jin looked in his eyes, seeing worry. "Not-" "Go aw-away." J-Hope mumbled against Jin's chest.

It hurt him so bad to say those two words, those words seemed to tear a big gash in his lungs that made it hard to breathe.

"Hoseokie- if it's about a week ago when I yelled at you I didn't mean-" "Yoongi just get out!" Jin snapped at him. "You're making it worse by being here." He told him, J-Hope's now trembling figure going weak from the heartbreak he didn't know he was going through.

Yoongi couldn't stand to see J-Hope in pain, so he stood up from his bed and walked away. He glanced back at Jin and his falling-apart best friend, before leaving the room completely with a sad sigh.

"Hey, everything okay?" Jimin asked, standing outside the door. "Mhm." Yoongi nodded, giving a kiss to Jimin's lips. Jimin blushed and giggled at the affection. Yoongi held Jimin's hand and walked farther away from the room, but he couldn't help but feel this tug in his chest to go back.

A pull on his heart to stop holding Jimin's hand, a knock to hold someone else's.

Why did holding Jimin's hand feel so...wrong?

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now